@dcoderlt supapleeeeeeeeex.
Also, yess, also 2nd computer with 32MB (Celeron 433MhZ) and also upgraded to 128. #TiberianSun was the sluggish game of choice for me.
Also, omg, did you also put in 128MB along with 32 and only years later learned that it was a mistake?
Oh yeah, Tiberian Sun still has a very special place in my heart. Such a great vibe.
The first computer I used ran MS-DOS, and I still have fond memories of a game called Supaplex that was my only entertainment on that thing.
The first computer I had at home had 32 MB of RAM and Red Alert 2 was a slug. I was so happy when I bought an extra 128 MB stick 😎 I also remember buying some computer magazine with a BeOS live CD, that was a cool and very snappy thing to play around with :)