I’m afraid I can’t outsource this. I’ll going to have to do it myself, so I’m looking for a tool or a trick I can try.
@jkreeftmeijer so, kind of outsourced after all but not really but yes?
@jkreeftmeijer thanks for posting the answer, it's nice to know that there are ways. Looking forward to hear about your experiences with Transcribe..
@jkreeftmeijer also, I'm sorry for my suggestion to be a bit useless, since I actually was unable to find one reasonably swiftly!
@jonn Nah, reaching out to actual transcribers is certainly a good idea. Express Scribe was suggested, which looks like a good option if I’ll have to do this more often.
@jonn Yeah, could have been clearer on that. I can’t have another person do the transcribing (because reasons), but I’m fine with running it through Transcribe.
Thanks for your suggestion, by the way! :)