all those default #macos command-… hotkeys (cut/copy/paste, etc.) are seriously messing up my muscle memory. how do i change them to ctrl+…, but without messing up my «good» ctrl+… hotkeys (tmux, vim, etc.)?

like, yep, i've already tried switching command and ctrl, and that is definitely NOT what i need (see above).

also: why things that are so easy and natural with #linux, are so musking impossible or complicated with #macos?


@tivasyk because has diverged from in 90s and never had any work done on its by the community. Remember, it used to (and maybe still does) cost USD 99 / year to get a C compiler on !

Regarding keyboard use, my understanding is that you have to just give up.

@jonn can't give up: it's the corporate device. i'd have never ever picked macos for personal use:

i just can't fathom how something that places an app menu across all of 34" of screen space from the actual app this menu is for can still be considered a usable ui in the 21st century, among (countless) other things.

@tivasyk no, I mean... Give up and learn another muscle memory thingie.

It'll slow you down both on Linux and on mac os, but hey, when I'm faced with shit UX like this I think to myself "it's an additional protection from dementia" :D

@jonn can't do that either: all of my personal computers run #linux, and changing hotkeys on all of those just to give in to bad ui :-/

@tivasyk no, no, I mean literally this: learn another layout and have your brain do a bit extra pattern-matching. I can attest to learning TOUCH-TYPING on two DIFFERENT phones with VIRTUAL keyoards at the same time. It's annoying at first, but as usual, a couple of weeks and you'll get there.

@jonn o_O

i _can_ do that, it's just that i _don't want_ to :-/

@tivasyk I kno-o-o-ow, but what's other option?

I mean, actually, if we are ready to do some coding, the project to fix this ux has at leat a clear plan:

1. Figure out how to make an apple device programmable.
2. Figure out how to do `xtitle -s` on Mac OS.
3. Figure out how to do `xev` and `xmodmap` on Mac OS.
4. Write a daemon that launches `xtitle -s` equivalent and listens to its output. If the current window title suggests it's a terminal, revert to Ctrl being Ctrl, otherwise activate `xmodmap` equivalent.

Actually, such a piece of software can be easily sold to a million of people for $5. I would buy it for my girlfriend... And crowd has a very nice culture of liking to pay flat fees for software they use! Which is admirable.

@tivasyk here are some memes.

This is your `xtitle -s`:

And here's `xev` equivalent: `sudo hidutil monitor --verbose | grep -E '(KeyDown|KeyUp)'`

@tivasyk YES! Imagine losing to in :D

I'm non-ironically enjoying everything except for lack of jump-to-workspace shortcuts in these days... is genuinely awesome, almost :D

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