all those default #macos command-… hotkeys (cut/copy/paste, etc.) are seriously messing up my muscle memory. how do i change them to ctrl+…, but without messing up my «good» ctrl+… hotkeys (tmux, vim, etc.)?

like, yep, i've already tried switching command and ctrl, and that is definitely NOT what i need (see above).

also: why things that are so easy and natural with #linux, are so musking impossible or complicated with #macos?

@tivasyk because has diverged from in 90s and never had any work done on its by the community. Remember, it used to (and maybe still does) cost USD 99 / year to get a C compiler on !

Regarding keyboard use, my understanding is that you have to just give up.

@jonn can't give up: it's the corporate device. i'd have never ever picked macos for personal use:

i just can't fathom how something that places an app menu across all of 34" of screen space from the actual app this menu is for can still be considered a usable ui in the 21st century, among (countless) other things.


@tivasyk YES! Imagine losing to in :D

I'm non-ironically enjoying everything except for lack of jump-to-workspace shortcuts in these days... is genuinely awesome, almost :D

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