@virtulis my hot take is that it's the jsx problem! If we went from xml to json to yaml or toml, how come we still use xml for composing react components? 😭
@virtulis also, what does it mean
@jonn I'm not sure what I wrote is required but one case it certainly is if you're a weirdo and like writing stuff like
const fn = <A> (a: A) => ...
Cause that's obviously an opening JSX tag. Adding a comma helps disambiguate (and pisses off ESLint).
The reason I meh'd at Haskell stuff is because I want this to be implicit unless actually needed (as in TS).
So not as worried about definitions as being able to write let rgb = image.convert<RGB>() or let rgb: Image<RGB> = image.convert() or let rgb: Image = image.convert(); rgb.at(0,0).red = 0; (etc)
Which kind of calls for a specific syntax construct that is never expected and almost always allowed.
@jonn Except for the part where you have to write Type<T,> in .tsx