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Speaking of which. I need a very simple conditional compilation for my prototype project (see picture).

If someone on knows how to do it in WITHOUT MANUALLY EDITING .CABAL file, it would be much appreciated.

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One does not simply encode ByteStrings as Base64 strings with Aeson, gotta implement a wrapper, two instances and a test yourself.

It didn't occur to me that I can use a mobile phone to read pages.

Here's how my page looks:

Am I not a cutie?
Thanks @pola for what basically was a professional photo-shoot.

OK, it didn't work because default prefix is LFS, let's do `configure --prefix="$(pwd)"`.

`cat Makefile | grep prefix` shows `prefix = /home/sweater/gnu/poke-1.0/build`...

Okay, local install succeeded:

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Okay, I misunderstood the stack. It's clearly not using any mono stuff, so `sudo apt install libgc-dev` fixed the situation and I can move forward.

Final list deplist to install on for me was:

`sudo apt install tcl-dev libgc-dev libjson-c-dev libreadline-dev`.

Now we `make`... GNU software is so 80s, omg. :3

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Wait WHAT? Kalle recovered 1.1s in one split!

Even on the penultimate split. GO KALLE!

What a turn of events, Kalle is second in and leading .

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