My very first #ecto validator.
At first I was kind of repelled by the notion of validators in ecto because, as Alexis King teaches us mere mortals, "parse, not validate".
But then I realised that ecto validators don't discard error / success information (see xor_mark_as_required and xor_insert_errors). So I am content.
Oh yeah, baby, nice UX to insert stuff into the database.
Important bit is that we just supplied PK as a string and we let Ecto figure out how to fetch it...
I wish there was a cache layer so that I don't have to query stuff every time I make a changeset...
While thinking about a way for #doauth users to control their identity, disclosing nothing by default AND high availability / replication, I came up with the notion of disclosure event logs.
After just a little bit of tinkering with the definition, it turned out that it's getting modelled with existing approach to credentials / claims really well.
I love that immediate positive feedback on design and architecture. is live for 25 days. Here is a rough distribution of visitors by country.
(Thanks, @plausible!)
I'm really bummed out by the fact that #elixir doesn't come with a property-based test engine.
Since propex is unstable right now, I write plain stupid unit tests and hate every moment of this bullshit.
That guy
#lean #rust #typescript #react #nix
In my non-existent free time I design and run #TTRPG
If you use tools made by genocide-apologists, you are a genocide-apologist.
#lemmy users aren't welcome here.