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Everybody has their own .

Mine started in 2003, consumed me all the way till 2006 and took me all the way to the pre-historic seventies.

But today I have decided to go from troubled modern times, when the band of Boris Grebentshikov is perhaps even more relevant than it was in the eighties, all the way to the year when I, as a kid, heard his works for the first time.

No matter what, no matter where, I'm always living as if it's

Today has verified its first credential.

Going to clean up noisy logging output and push the code tomorrow.

My only "grudge" against Ecto is that the docs suggest using :string in migrations, and then this happens.

My very first validator.

At first I was kind of repelled by the notion of validators in ecto because, as Alexis King teaches us mere mortals, "parse, not validate".

But then I realised that ecto validators don't discard error / success information (see xor_mark_as_required and xor_insert_errors). So I am content.

Oh yeah, baby, nice UX to insert stuff into the database.

Important bit is that we just supplied PK as a string and we let Ecto figure out how to fetch it...

I wish there was a cache layer so that I don't have to query stuff every time I make a changeset...

There isn't much that is similar to a pure joy of using new technology for the first time.

My first insert into an -powered :

Had to look up a hint for "the Goat Puzzle".
So embarrassed, I think I could've solved it, since I've spotted the main element of the puzzle myself.

While thinking about a way for users to control their identity, disclosing nothing by default AND high availability / replication, I came up with the notion of disclosure event logs.

After just a little bit of tinkering with the definition, it turned out that it's getting modelled with existing approach to credentials / claims really well.

I love that immediate positive feedback on design and architecture. is live for 25 days. Here is a rough distribution of visitors by country.

(Thanks, @plausible!)

I'm really bummed out by the fact that doesn't come with a property-based test engine.

Since propex is unstable right now, I write plain stupid unit tests and hate every moment of this bullshit.

URI implementation: one of the few reasons why you might want to have optional values.

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