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The history is being made by Taka Katsuta in Kenya. I hope he'll last today and tomorrow, Tanak is on a charge.
What a return to Africa for !

"@context": [],
"type": [],
"issuer": "did:doma:z9WvHH7JyPek1SehusPElQRTMl8UfxvP9sANUlGZ57U=",
"issuanceDate": "2021-06-16T17:15:05Z",
"credentialSubject": {
"@context": [],
"credentialSubject": {
"capacity": 10,
"holder": "did:doma:c5Cfk0Aw_SYXzIgvDO3QNumrD30E5o-Sd61n8bL4dTw=",
"kind": "invite"
"id": "/invites/0LMLz-psbFmVEc2aVr9pXShesbIxfeeg6Kc0YCVYMI0=",
"issuanceDate": "2021-06-08T09:48:15Z",
"issuer": "did:doma:c5Cfk0Aw_SYXzIgvDO3QNumrD30E5o-Sd61n8bL4dTw=",
"proof": {
"created": "2021-06-08T09:48:15Z",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"signature": "Tj2bekNqJyj73q64RAUW2GMSuimP4IW2kbApwTFQvVZT8oEe5fzWUO9c_UwgRohQd-0vJ1i5LECjZJyvwov-Cw==",
"type": "libsodium2021",
"verificationMethod": "did:doma:c5Cfk0Aw_SYXzIgvDO3QNumrD30E5o-Sd61n8bL4dTw="
"type": []
"proof": {
"created": "2021-06-16T17:15:05Z",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"signature": "30GoSvC2GxiIP_3Sh9Jd0ebHsDjY5Myo7MXVEpg2nEGWIpcvcomuKjIBj5vebXArZUk4rb7r7yLQOOoaUvgnBw==",
"type": "libsodium2021",
"verificationMethod": "did:doma:z9WvHH7JyPek1SehusPElQRTMl8UfxvP9sANUlGZ57U="

I'm very shy about the structure and understandability of my code, but now I'm workign with ruby codebase and I feel better.

Working hard on being privacy-preserving. API first, backend later.

Another milestone for !

Invite functionality is implemented, now it's basically .

Getting sleepy...

I wonder if I'll manage to implement limked lists for verifiable credentials as seen in , thus implementing everything needed for the quantity-bound invite protocol.

Another milestone in 's history: JS client verified its first credential!

Dont @-me, I'm just following verifiable credentials spec, which kindly tells me to figure out how to attach proofs and what to cover with proofs myself, while imposing JSON schema on me.

Honestly, sometimes I'm apalled by JSON world. It's better than XML, but still doesn't address any of its issues. If we only had better editors for binary formats, we would have lived in a much better worlds. Now I really do understand why architects when I was in my early twenties were so eager to use protobufs...

Ok well anyway, test your code, kids.

Here's a screenshot of sodium.js producing the same key as server.

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