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Super-spreader events are cute and all because natural selection. I'm only really sad about the families of locals who may and will lose their lives because of a bunch of idiots getting [too close] together.

Used my first IP address to test a simple rate limiter for the contact form. Will release it as a part of the third version of our website.

@plausible @markosaric

So... This happened.

How can we help you get it green-listed in uBlock Origin?

And do you know who's behind red-listing?

#WRCEstonia results #WRC 

I thought I went crazy.
Needles to say, I missed this bit of news from January and have missed a couple first laps.

Who said that it's a problem that weekend and weekend is on the same weekend?

The history is being made by Taka Katsuta in Kenya. I hope he'll last today and tomorrow, Tanak is on a charge.
What a return to Africa for !

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