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Finished typesetting the front face of the "Basic Rules \\ Character Creation" index card for the first edition alpha version of .

I got one more joke from .

"The Martha Complex" is a thing from christianity about being a good host.

Episode "Martha Complex" is full of Valentine's Day party hosting related cock-ups.

Needless to say that Valentine's Day is also a christian holiday.

Jokes within jokes within jokes. The best show ever made. All five seasons of it.

I don't do daily entries. I think because subconsciously I feel like my doesn't quite qualify.

But today I've spent my morning doing some numerical game design for my system called . The idea of it is that it's a that fits on an index card. (It really, actually, does, as opposed to index card RPG, which doesn't).

Today I've finalised game mechanics, and cruched some numbers for character creation.

Attached is a previous version of the main rules card, featuring glorious public domain art!


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Getting back to .

Not last in my class amongst people who have completed the rally...

0 restarts (I never restart rally if I retire) and managed to beat some people driving faster cars.

40th out of 79 finishers (out of 151 entrants)!

Instance owners!

Don't forget to add volumes to your instances every now and again.

If by chance, I wouldn't have spoken to @nafnlaus about the disk space an instance uses, I would've been in for a fun December evening when my instance would've ran out of disk.

On DO it's very easy — just

* buy a volume,
* copy your media there,
* chown -R the files just to be sure,
* move old media folder
* symlink new media folder immediately afterwards
* chown -h mastodon:mastodon symlink
* add a notice to check the df -h in half a year :)

Fifth day of my first log.

Today's goal is to make a multi-agent networked player control in .

Sometimes projects we make teach us fundamental things, and sometimes they teach us some gotchas. A gotcha I learned today is that in , you can have a TextMeshPro which is a UI component and one that is a 3D component. There is no way to distinguish between those after you add them to a scene. So you'd better remember or label which one's which.

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Now that there are so many people here, and everyone seem to be reading everyone they follow...

...perhaps now is the time when I'll find more friends to play on ?..

We're not playing normal cubes, we're playing a cube I made called "Into the Story". Here's the list:

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