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hi, this is a tiny experiment. I think that you will get this teal square with sha1sum 7659b733afa495b561acd7abc0f30201ad5eede0 in your server's media store, even though you don't follow my account and didn't solicit information exchange with my account whatsoever.


Today , fended off a horde of vampires *and* gifted a friendly hobgoblin a shovel.

I think I know what happened. I didn't notice it's night and forgot that sources of light are important. Good bye, Black Garlic, a randomly generated multi-legged pacifist farmer.

In other news — I'm not sure how strong is the starting village, but it doesn't matter. In "Caves" you have to choose your affiliations wisely because every affiliation is *very* net-negative in total to your reputation.

Please don't point me to any wikis. Playing ADOM as a kid we didn't have any wikis,

Metal and second-hand.
And metal. Just in time for the Sunday session!

Technology isn't there with democratic photorealistic image generation.

No CW for you, sorry not sorry.
Support now. Be vocal. Talk to your friends. Talk to your reps. Do it now, before it is too late.

If an argument from humanism doesn't work, consider this: last time the world ignored unrest in the middle of , the most bloody war in the history of humanity has happened.

My mom sent me this wonderful photo.
I want to be there so much! Beautiful!

The state of game development. Type-set the martial artist card yesterday.

Many more combat moves coming soon!

Squeezing "core combat rules" to the other side of the "moves" cards is going to be the next big challenge.

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