Tev mūžam dzīvot #Latvija!
Apsveicu, #FediDraugi, ar neatkarības proklamēšanu.
Mūsu tauta var izdarīt neiespējamo un sagūt brīvibu no jeb kādas imperijas.
Šodien, manas domas ir ar Latvijas Armijas karavīriem kuri karoja prēt krieviem mana "mazā tevzēmē" – Latgalē. Un ar mūsu Igauńu draugiem, kuri latviešiem tik daudz palidzēja neatkarības kara laikos.
Ja kaut kas zin par kaut kādus svinošanas notikumus Londonā, lūdzu par tiem pastastīt.
When you're so bad at #magicthegathering, you can't even show your teammates how you draft like an idiot and lose.
What a start of the season for #NewJerseyDevils! Tick-tack-toe!
4-1 is as good of a start as one can dream of. But that's #NJD curse though. Our team often starts strong. Let's hope that will continue.
#Solar giving a lot of respect for #Clem.
Also, from #F1 to #StarCraft. Well done, #Tezos! Good sponsorship decisions (almost unironically).
That https://doma.dev guy
#lean #rust #typescript #react #nix
In my non-existent free time I design and run #TTRPG
If you use tools made by genocide-apologists, you are a genocide-apologist.
#lemmy users aren't welcome here.