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My today's entry is surprisingly irrelevant to the main project. It rather is a doodle I made while playing an game today.

It's called "rat people getting denied access through the gates of Gorfar".

I'm planning to just "ship it" when it comes to . No typesetting, no overcomplicating, no proofreading. Just pure hand-crafted goodness, which should inform the content for the first adventures.

I'm also stretching the format quite a bit, but whatever.

South Kensington is not just about tea houses! In today's entry, we explore a park there.

By the way, I'm committed to provide alt texts for all my entries, so that visually impaired GMs can benefit from my work as well as sighted! ❤️

It's a slushy January afternoon. No wonder the car didn't arrive for you. Hailing a cab is out of question, not with your cargo and in your condition. So you rush across Kensington, your shoes squelching what's left of the white stuff...

Something you overhear as you walk past a Kensington tea house:

"Fancy some import tea? Better stockpile it! With the damned war and everything."

"Good thing we shall always have Sri Lanka, at least..."

My takes me to helping secret service plan their pastime in South Kensington!

It's January 3rd 1940, and the is not the highest on the list of the socialites' concerns!

Kick back, relax, and enjoy the .

Continuing for content.

Location briefs and four events that can happen in a hill village by Sedan on 2nd of January, 1939.

Wrote my first entry.
It's set on a peaceful crispy morning of January 1st, 1939, in Sedan, France.

One more defender of "liberal"!
Ask yourself, why do only lads like this defend russian "liberals".

Phony soulless degenerates. We have to track them and prevent them from getting anywhere near civilisation.

What @DarthPutinKGB says about Patriot anti-air systems is the same thing mr. hoering was saying about Spitfire planes. You know how it worked out for him.

While we're at it, let's remember air force that was fighting airbone nazis under .

On the first image is the logo and the bio of the bot. It's made and ran by liberals who call Ukrainians "ukropy" (a slur).

On the second image is how I personally read this, as a Latvian, who has suffered from both actions of the soviet union, the symbol of which is featured on the user pic of the bot, and the rotten and deadly influence of the putin's russia, the flag of which is the background on the bot's userpic.

When you see reasonably-sounding russians who are registered on, please be very-very careful. Majority of them are as "anti-war" as german protestants and catolics were during . Their MO is "I dislike putin, but I'm a patriot of russia", "both sides are wrong", "we should've negotiated better and subdue Ukraine via non-military action".

In case you think that "liberal" channels like () are somehow different from overtly imperialist or covertly imperialist .

The label says "Baltic question". Nazi culture somehow got deeply internalised by .

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