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Another moron who is at the same time "against colonialism and imperialism" and a filthy leninist commie. Seriously, do people like know even the tiniest bit about the history of ?

BTW, there's a ridiculous amount of commie posters near . I'm tearing them down and so should you.

I love modern ! But please, for fuck's sake, remember that it can't count and that it can't plan.

The suggestion of computing "200^40000" first is... Creative, but no, I'm not going to be doing that.

When you deploy an excerpt from Thomas Ligotti to a personal website.

Let's put it like this: I really like what these designers are doing, this is why I strongly suggest people check out and donate to whomever is running the servers.

Played two Northern Reach missions of the campaign. I play as the bad guys, whereas my friend is playing as the worse guys.

The most social(-ist) thing one can do is to stop the spread of red plague. Fuck commies!

Based on intermediate results of , we will have a predictable fight between and for pole. I hope that the crowd will root for the right driver 🙂

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A meme about data races which is presented as a corrupted picture. Via Roman Melnikov.

300 USD fundraiser to repair the car we bought for purposes. Any amount helps!

USD: IBAN/SWIFT UA493808050000000262025459354

Address: 28142, Ukraine, reg. Kirovohradska, district Kompaniivskyim village Harmanivka, st. Molodizhna, build. 1.




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Doma Social

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