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For MO of 's on .

Thank you either @MAKS23 or @EugeneMcParland for providing the link to the investigation.

I have reported the account over at, but couldn't find the link to the investigation of the profiles like this.

Please forward the link to the investigation to, although I guess that fake profiles violate their ToS as it stands?

People who follow and development closely, can you chime in about the breaking changes here:

What's your migration strategy?

My flake is very basic and is just there to provision dependencies for the project:

I'm also at a loss as for where does it get extensions stuff? I don't have it anywhere in my immediate dependencies if my ripgrep doesn't lie!

Can someone explain what this ? Does it actually work? Do blue sky users see our shitposts?

deletes or shadow-bans comments that mention "yt-dlp". Try it for yourself!

The stronger they are the stronger our alliance will be when the war starts. Small countries matter. Support Georgia! If not for them, then for yourself and your kids.

Tev mūžam dzīvot !

Apsveicu, , ar neatkarības proklamēšanu.

Mūsu tauta var izdarīt neiespējamo un sagūt brīvibu no jeb kādas imperijas.

Šodien, manas domas ir ar Latvijas Armijas karavīriem kuri karoja prēt krieviem mana "mazā tevzēmē" – Latgalē. Un ar mūsu Igauńu draugiem, kuri latviešiem tik daudz palidzēja neatkarības kara laikos.

Ja kaut kas zin par kaut kādus svinošanas notikumus Londonā, lūdzu par tiem pastastīt.

When you're so bad at , you can't even show your teammates how you draft like an idiot and lose.

At first I was like "aww, cute, father and son qualied for the irl vintage cube", but there is absolutely no way that Rex has qualified to this tournament, his kid just smurfed twice.

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