The lengths a person (me) goes to avoid using for deployment get quite hilarious sometimes.

So... I was playing game and in act 2 you need to do fishing.

To maintain a run, I had to find a skip of the fishing puzzle.

Which I did!

It is the first time ever I found a glitch and a skip in a computer game (probably because I don't play computer games much).

But yeah, coming back to the @eniko's toot about wholesome games and my stance that in real world there is enough cruelty for us not needing it in video games... I find it so fucking weird that a wholesome-presenting game makes player have a 12 year old kid kill two living beings to "save Santa". Ehhh. Wtf.

Also, I looked through other peoples' playthrough and the fishing scene is super... Cringe?

For MO of 's on .

Thank you either @MAKS23 or @EugeneMcParland for providing the link to the investigation.

I have reported the account over at, but couldn't find the link to the investigation of the profiles like this.

Please forward the link to the investigation to, although I guess that fake profiles violate their ToS as it stands?

People who follow and development closely, can you chime in about the breaking changes here:

What's your migration strategy?

My flake is very basic and is just there to provision dependencies for the project:

I'm also at a loss as for where does it get extensions stuff? I don't have it anywhere in my immediate dependencies if my ripgrep doesn't lie!

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