Posted a couple of little videos: "The Code of Escape": where we learn the least stupid way to set terminal titles.

And "HTTP Client in JavaScript": where I demonstrate how to make a registration form from scratch while making a minimal wrapper around fetch API in order to write denser code.

If you like my bits, subscribe with RSS to my tubedu channel!

Going live with ambient sounds (outdoor cafe[1] + cyberboard typing[2]).

Main goal for today is adding a authentication to (an file upload demo with upload capabilities as rich as Google Drive's, i.e. multi-file upload and *directory* upload!).

Secondary: start closing UX tickets related to accounting (as in AAA) from for .

Tune in!


Dropping in favour of using a with a simple async persistence only for the things that need to be persisted made a credential verification from a 50+ms ordeal into 1-ms ordeal. x50 speedup makes me hopeful about 0.4 demo making a user account in sub-100ms, compared to sub 1.5s which 0.3 shows.

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