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@TFG welcome to mastodon, tfg! Awesome introduction!

If you manage to find a bit more spare time and are willing to participate in forensic challenges of ITSEC CTFs, hit me up!

It's 2 weeks since I joined Mastodon and I still like it. I guess, now is the time to introduce myself to you!

I'm a guy from Europe, beginning 40's, was always fascinated of computers. I started off with my C64 and soon coded my own little text based game in BASIC.

Using Linux as main OS for years but I'm far from being an expert.

Studying forensic engineering while having a full-time job (computer stuff too) and working with archaeologists in my (always short) spare time 👋 🙂

@jb55 (and never get any E-Mail delivered).

I do just that.

I don't want to mirror tweets in , so I guess I'll focus on hobbies and a bit of freeform here and leave twitter for more professional communication, like it used to be for me around 2012—2014 (bar debugging rage threads).

Also, masto feels just warmer, friendlier and less stressful than twitter, so I don't feel mildly uncomfortable sharing my life here.

What would you like to hear from me here? What aren't you interested in?

Made gemini:// a bit more alive.

Remember the times of small Internet? Turns out it's more than nostalgia.

You can ethically and freely get your content across, as SMOG magazine demonstrated despite being distributed over obscure protocol.

I've archived it for inspiration:

Fewer than 3% of Firefox users have enabled the Enhanced Tracking Protection.

Most people don't change defaults but it's such a quick switch for a big speed boost, a much less intrusive and much less distracting web. Here's how

I've been shown

If you need a hoodie, buy from them, they're cute.

@dpwiz ah, got it! I don't know, sorry, I don't use "X qualified as Y" syntax. :(

Coming from the WordPress world, it is so cool to be featured on the Tavern! Thank you! 😍

"Taking on the Major Players, Plausible Analytics Offers an Alternative, Privacy-Conscious Stats Service"

@cwebber awesome dynamic. I mostly stream figuring stuff out, so mine are unwatchable.

@dpwiz if I understand your question, yes. I meant for it to be the point of the screenshot.

@jb55 yeah, an ark that is sustained on the water by said flood.

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