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Resource update for #Lagrange v1.5:

This patch has updated UI translations and a couple of new Smol Emoji glyphs.


@sektor but I didn't figure out how to do 2FA / OTP integration.

> When used without any arguments super uses the arguments given to the subclass method.

Of course it does.

Most of what people perceive as software architecture is merely code layout circlejerk.

@wholesomedonut nah, is the latter without being the former. Look beyond the demand! :)

so far feels like a hell of implicits and global variables, especially while dealing with and .

It's cute because users don't have to pass anything around, but it's absolutely horrible when it comes to actually contributing to any of libraries. it's not real (yet), is it?

Now I understand why feels so ad-hoc. Turns out it's heavily based on .

Now I understand why feels so polished. Turns out it's heavily based on .

ssh -L vagrant@

SSH tunnel to expose to LAN

@jb55 lightning is the best thing that happened to Bitcoin. Bullshit-free engineering that's actually useful :3

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