Show more I don't think pokete listens to ygg yet. I don't have time to check. It would be cool to have PvP though ) play over yggdrasil when

I am alive today because I always wear a high quality full face helmet.

Never go cheap on safety gear.

You can't predict everything.

inductive Maybe (R: Type u) where
| just (ok: R)
| nothing

inductive Surely (L: Type u) where
| ok
| error (err: L)

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If `Maybe a` is `Just a` or `Nothing`, then Erlang's `ok` or `{error, Reason}` should be called `Surely`.

I was searching for a way to make work with `direnv` again, but found an amazing project ran by a Ukrainian haskeller.

@kirill omg, я почему-то предположил что вы из РФ (наверное из-за @rf). Вы красавцы, мы—латыши—донатим ЗСУ и е*ашим по целям из UASHIELD! Сил вам и скорейшей победы!

О себе и проектах микроподкаст 

When `nix shell` fails, `stack init && stack build` ☠️

Can this toot get more boost than favorites? :flan_laugh:

The only way to know is to make it real! :flan_racer:

Choose your side :flan_fox: :flan_fox:

I’ve got my self-hosted Mastodon instance 😗

Hello, @EU_Commission ! The longer member states wait on helping Ukraine decisively, the less food member states will have. The indecision of member states will cause starvation in Europe and beyond.

I’m pondering having my own instance of Peertube and Pixelfed too ☺️. It’s so cool to own the content that I generate on the internet.

@lanodan @z428 what is dead may never die. Or something. I hang out on libera and undernet :3

@EU_Commission (it's not like I'm against it, just we need to give BBC the opportunity to reach Russians)

@EU_Commission VPNs are, technically, cloud services. Does it mean that EU is gonna help Russia make a Great Russian Firewall?

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