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my bank has a Pride theme so now when I open the app there's a rainbow next to my deadname

@EU_Commission "more things need to be implemented like fighting corruption". Ma'am, but you have Hungary, an autocratic state, in the Union? Perhaps evaluate Ukraine compared to it? What about Croatia, where the reports of corruption are on the level of a nationwide meme?

I have to consume materials about the modern cryptocurrency space and related stuff. There are so many layers of rage I have. The latest: techbro x cryptobro -- sending shit to space to generate private keys.

Everyone who wants to put a sat up at the orbit first has to watch this talk on space debris and Kessler Syndrome: I've suggested a vegan ending to the author, we'll see if it's gonna get adopted.

@groovestomp (except please, make the website such that it's easier for people to give you the money. OSE website is painfully confusing)

@groovestomp you should be like Gavin — push some hobby hard enough to do it full time :) Oh wow, Agrawos is a really disturbing city. Damn meat-eaters. I don't think pokete listens to ygg yet. I don't have time to check. It would be cool to have PvP though ) play over yggdrasil when

I am alive today because I always wear a high quality full face helmet.

Never go cheap on safety gear.

You can't predict everything.

inductive Maybe (R: Type u) where
| just (ok: R)
| nothing

inductive Surely (L: Type u) where
| ok
| error (err: L)

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If `Maybe a` is `Just a` or `Nothing`, then Erlang's `ok` or `{error, Reason}` should be called `Surely`.

I was searching for a way to make work with `direnv` again, but found an amazing project ran by a Ukrainian haskeller.

@kirill omg, я почему-то предположил что вы из РФ (наверное из-за @rf). Вы красавцы, мы—латыши—донатим ЗСУ и е*ашим по целям из UASHIELD! Сил вам и скорейшей победы!

О себе и проектах микроподкаст 

When `nix shell` fails, `stack init && stack build` ☠️

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