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Labrīt! 🥳 Ceru, ka visi labi sagaidījāt 2024 😊
Tikko veicu pirmo maksājumu jaunajā gadā - projektam "Atbalsts Ukrainas karavīriem". Lai 2024. gadā vairāk labu jaunumu no Ukrainas! 🙌

Everything you need to know about in the attachment.

Can all the whining fellow leftie fuckers (g-d knows, I get to say it because used to be a leftie fucker myself) please shut the fuck up now about employees not deserving losing their jobs and direct action against them?

The posts are just a taste of what happens when you register a new account and subscribe to MFA of and Volodymir Zelenskiy's account.

"For you" feed will include only and exclusively russian extremist takes as well as overt pro-russian fascist tweets.

Thus, they are inticing specific and serious acts of violence, which qualifies engineers as war criminals 🤷‍♀️

And it's finally over. I added an epilogue, and a photo of my calendar as it looked before I started writing in it.

I have no idea what I will do next year! :)


I wouldn't think something like this was possible in , but it sure won't happen in the ongoing and upcoming conflicts in Europe.

@loshmi I'm sorry, I just didn't want for my emotions to spill over into the conversation, it's a personal experience for you and I didn't want to upset you with my unsolicited opinion.

I'm not Bosnian, I'm Latvian, but I have spent many years in Croatia and I have Bosnian friends.

I can appreciate that you find similarities in the emotional response of people faced with state violence, but people of Bosnia didn't want to erase serbia, didn't launch and support a combined arms warfare operation, they merely voted and not even a half-year later, faced utter and ruthless strike. Again, I'm not saying that all Gazans are monsters or that IDF is handling things well, but I can't—in good faith—support hamas-apologists or take away the rights of states to defend (even if the states are fascist, like netanyahu's Israel).

In the upcoming years my country will face a russian invasion and I would rather it wouldn't be limited in the way it can retaliate, say, in Pskov Oblast. I don't know if it makes sense to you, but that's how I see it.

@loshmi if you read the occupant language, here's a very interesting and chilling account of Gazan intellectuals thinking about the war and their reaction to it:

Actually, the more I think about comparing Bosnians to Gazans the more upset I become :D So I'd rather stop this conversation before I actually get angry. 🙏 Sorry for not being able to cope with emotions, but please take your time to read the account of several civilians I have linked.

@BrackmeisterMTG I didn't try it yet, but people are raving about it. I do love recent sets, including this one that's out now.

@loshmi the major difference that I see is that Bosnian war was not started on behalf of the people by a Bosnian military autocracy, but rather it was started by serbian cells within the newly-independent country against freely elected government of the independent BiH.

Your argument for similarity is very humanist, and it's nice, but it is by definition populist, I'm sorry. By the same token, one can say "Kfar Aza is Bucha is Irpen is Kherson" and compare arab league and allied armies to russian army, right?

Also, many people who start with invoking Srebrenica end with "from the river to the sea". But I agree with the sentiment. First has shown that it can't be trusted to do intelligence, and now has shown that it can't be trusted to wage a defensive war.

I see _The Longing_ is out on iOS! It’s a sort of exploration-idle game. 400 real-time days of doing nothing in a cave, unless you choose to shorten the wait by wandering. Very strange and lovely.

@dzedus runāju gan! Es esmu latvietis :) Diemžēl, mana ģimene bija rusificēta padomju okupācijas laikos un mana māte nerunā latviski baigi labi, bet viņa mēģina! Es arī macijos mazākumtautības skolā. Sokla bija patiešam ļoti laba, tur es nomacijos darboties komandā un kritiskai domāšanai, bet to kā mums macija latviešu valodu, bija briesmīgi neadekvats. Tikai Aija Spura, mūsu latviešu literatūras skolotāja mana *astotajā klasē* pievilka mīlestību priekš valodu un kultūru. Un es valodu apguvis tadā līmenī kurš man ir jau pēc skolas. Paldies, Šubrovskim, , BPP, manai draudzenei Kristai, Gatim (un Karaliskai Dekadencei). Tagad dzīvoju Londonā un klausos Latvijas Radio... Kaut kā tā.

Mana ģimene ir no latgales puses (esmu rīdzenieks pirmā paaudzē) un krievu imperijas laikos viņi ari runāja krieviski, bet manas vecvecmāmiņas māte bija latviski-runājoša latgaliete.

Starp citu, vecmāte joprojam ir dziva un es rakstu viņas memuarus (cik ir iespējams). Tatād esmu baigi pārsteigts no ta, cik latviski-identificējoša viņa īstenībā ir. Jā, viņa strādāja par rajispolkoma priekšsēdetāju Brigos, *bet* padomju režīms viņu nēizlauža. Viņa nekad nedomāja par krieviem kā par "mūsejiem".

Kad viņa man teica par sarkano armiju atgriezienu Latgalē 44. gadā rudenī, neskatoties uz to ka visa viņas ģimene bija anti-vacu pretestības kustībā, viņa saka "atkal ienaca krievi", nevis "mums atbrivoja mūsejie".

Domāju saņemt "settled" statusu šeit un doties atpakaļ uz Latviju lai palidzet sargt tēvzeme no okupantiem. Tas ir asinīs.

@dzedus mana servera versija ir apmēram v. :D

Es nedomāju, ka tik jaunās funkcijas man ir atbalstītas.

@loshmi @bogiperson I agree with the conclusion, but not with the premise. I actually have commented on why it's incorrect to compare serbian massacres in with Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

I understand that you're coming from a good faith perspective, but I think that nuanced understanding of situations is strictly better to populism.

Es te vienkārši ielikšu šo skatu, ko nevarēju paturēt pie sevis…
#Dziesmusvētki #Dziesmusvētki2023 you are very stoic and polite. Holy shit. Fuck kaspersky even if they were presenting novel / important results in details.

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