Team TBD, one of the top-performing #ICFPC teams (with a very laid-back attitude) would love to welcome Rusters from #Fediverse to join the effort in kicking ass this year.
This year, the contest is held from Friday 28 June 2024 at 12:00 UTC to Monday 1 July 2024 at 12:00 UTC.
OTP 27 brings native JSON support!
@virtulis so... No pure enlightenment?
@virtulis couldn't tell!
@virtulis how come
@virtulis Impossible happened
> The sophistication and level of what we have seen does suggest a state actor level of involvement
No fucking shit!
IT helpdesk (Lapsus$): *ring ring*
Employee: hello?
IT: Hello! This is Roger from IT. We've identified a problem with your Okta access and we need to replace your company Yubikey. We've already mailed you a replacement, return your old Yubikey in the box that will have a return shipping label. Please write down your company email and Yubikey PIN on a sticky note and include it in the box so we can fully remove the old Yubikey from Okta. The delivery is scheduled for today so your work wont be impacted come Monday.
employee: ok!
@kd since I switched from #mIRC to a CLI client, I use #GNUScreen and ssh from my phone if I need to.
Just found a #CSS trick that's so simple and useful it should be common knowledge, and yet I can't find any mention of it.
Sometimes you would really prefer that, if a sentence doesn't fit on one line, it would just go on the next line as a whole.
The usual hack for this is to put it in a span with white-space: nowrap. This is obviously a very bad idea, because it can and will break layouts.
A better option? display: inline-block. Yeah, that's literally the whole pro gamer move.
Each one of these sentences is an inline-block. It breaks inside when it doesn't fit, but goes on the next line when it does.
How the hell did I not know this. #StarCraft vs #StarCraft2 mod showmatch
@prvrtl I may be wrong. Maybe I just quit their channel together with ruhaskell and nixos-ru or however that chat was called.
That guy
#lean #rust #typescript #react #nix
In my non-existent free time I design and run #TTRPG
If you use tools made by genocide-apologists, you are a genocide-apologist.
#lemmy users aren't welcome here.