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The famous 69th Sniffing Brigade is asking for help.

NAFORENDUM - Kursk Peoples Republic

Support the Liberation of Kursk. Help us drive out the russian occupiers and help us rapidly support the #Kursk Peoples Republic Army!

The goal is 42.195€ (semi marathon already done), to provide a brigade involved in the operations with essential equipment.

As usual, for any donation exceeding 100€ you are free to choose a present like original #NAFO patches.



The reason the Western world is so fucked up right now is that the mainstream media normalizes the extremism of fascists by not even being willing to accurately describe what they are.

🎁 HAPPY BIRTHDAY OpenStreetMap! You've come a long way in the last 20 years. 😍

Here's @gravitystorm at the rear of server racks in UCL after a long work session in 2009 extending our rack depth and re-organising our servers.

More about OSM's 20th Birthday (which is today):

#20YearsOfOSM #OpenData #OpenStreetMap #OSM

@mariilasa, vai tu redzēji "The Power of Habit"? Tā ir līdzīga grāmata, bet, no tam ko es zinu par abiem, nedaudz zinātniskāka. Bet godīgi sakot, es "Atomic Habits" vēl neesmu lasījusi.

"Atomic Habits" - te bija gan jauni atklājumi, gan jau pašai uz savas ādas pārbaudītas metodes, kas strādā. Protams, nekādas metodes nestrādās, ja nav gribas vispār kaut ko uzsākt. Patika, šķita noderīgi, bet varu piekrist viedoklim, ka par garu. Man tas netraucēja, jo patīk, ka izskaidro un ar piemēriem parāda.

@rzeta0 they shouldn't have removed it, but the authors of the map (perhaps, accidentally) made it misleading. A person who isn't paying attention may read it as if it shows a temporal progression of Palestine region and then country.

What fascist is doing in even right now, in 2024, is enough for any reasonable human being to call for an intervention and a forced . There is no need for (perhaps, accidental) manipulations.

Please note that I am not being sarcastic and I appreciate that this map may simply be made like this with no malicious intent, nor intent to misinform.

Fascist Russia is carrying out a genocide of the Ukrainian people.

Thousands of Ukrainian children are kidnapped by the foreign invaders. Their families, names, language and culture are stolen from them.

Wanted for arrest for the genocide of Ukrainians, the russian Maria Lvova-Belova says some 730,000 children have been kidnapped to Russia, and that 2,000 children were taken from Ukrainian orphanages.

Where is the world speaking up for these tens of thousands of Ukrainians?

❗ ❗ ❗

#Ukraine #EU #Europe #Nato

As an archivist, let me say clearly:

Modern copyright law is actively harmful to the preservation and study of our culture.

It harms artists by giving undue power to publishers. It harms artists by limiting remixes. It harms preservation and research efforts.

It's broken. It's bad. It should be massively reformed.

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Some 80 years later, in Europe…

Crater formed by the explosion of Russian S-300 missile near a psychiatric hospital in Kharkiv, 2024 (Photo: Oleh Syniehubov)

Crater in London after German air raid, 1940 (Photo: London War Museum)

#russiaisaterroriststate #russiakills

I was just reminded of this gem. It's just so pleasing. From some open-source hardware project I found via Hackaday a year or three ago.

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