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I was ready to be outraged, but instead was inadvertently reassured that the feature is likely secure, hah.

I second that they should open-source the software that receives the information at the mothership though!

@jonn @RiisuPutra Pirmās Latvijas 2 santimi 🙃🇱🇻 Dziļi mežā, uz aizaugušas takas, kas redzama vairs tikai LIDARā. Vienīgā monēta šodien 😆

@henmazzig the more I interact with the world, the more I understand how people didn't give care about nazi germany despite it killing people en masse and coming up with excuses.

Your PM's political party is linked to hamas, my man.

That said, good job on bringing awareness to fucked up shit iran is doing. Also good job on comparing your country with iran!

They certainly are in the same league.

😳🇪🇺 Telegram has started blocking Russian propaganda channels in some European countries.

❗️Right now, RIA Novosti, NTV, Rossiya 1, RT and Izvestia have been banned.

@jonn Latvijas brīvvalsts monēta.
@dzedus kur esi, ko dari?

I still use Firefox and other Mozilla products but I just got this email from Mozilla:

"We’re in the final days to reach our goal of raising $4.35 million USD from the Mozilla community. We’re close, but we’re still short."

I just want to let them know their CEO probably has $4.35 million USD since their salary a few years ago was about $7 million USD. Maybe ask them?

We have failed to close the skies above keeping them safe from the russian bombs, how about we at least close the Baltic Sea for the russian and chinese ships?

@eniko so binary! Where is my "I dabble / rings a bell" option? 😆

Soft launching this here before I talk about it anywhere else.

My book, "Permissionless: A Manifesto for the Future of Everything" is live. It explores how progress happens when we stop waiting for approval and start building.

You can read the full book free on the website (it was designed for it!) but if you want more, the eBook, PDF, and book notes are also available.

Marlene Dietrich also boosted the morale of Allied troops, entertaining GIs on tour with the USO. Here she is changing into heels before performing for the troops in Germany in 1945. (3/3)


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