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@caoilte ah, quite provocative! I'll take some time to demonstrate logically (in abstract terms) and historically (in concrete terms) that the manifesto says what I think it says by the end of the year.

Please understand that reading this stuff is kind of like reading English propaganda from the years of the Troubles for you (based on your surname, if I'm wrong, I'm sorry. If I'm right – Erin go Bragh)


> a book you're trying to summarise

I am certain that you are confusing communist manifesto with das kapital! In the country where I was born which no longer exists, people had to read both. (I did)

We need to start "accidentally" sinking russian ships in the baltic. #nato #hybrid #fuckputin #FuckTrump #EuropeanUnion

 3 ~/g/memoricide-ctf on  main 
❯ ./ && ./

I love stuff. urgently in all the newsletters! Reproducible configuration has been solved.

@tokyo_0 i use veeeery old mastodon build with the three column web UI!

It wasn't a complaint, just a note in case you didn't tag me out of politeness 🙏

Please read and share the story of the stupidest thing I have done in my life and what I learned from it.

"I Tried To Bootstrap A Startup And I'm Days Away From Giving Up".

@tokyo_0 since we-re going meta, as opposed to others, I'm very welcoming to keep being tagged in conversations!

I would loved to have effortlessly learned about how tags in quiet public posts work!

@tokyo_0 are we comfortable though? I think it's because surveillance is already established and those who think about fighting are too scared to start., Google's official URL shortcut (update: or Google Workspace's domain verification, see bottom), is compromised. People are actively having their Google accounts stolen.

No billionaire has a conscience. The very act of accumulating that much money and power demonstrates clearly their priorities and values. Anyone who isn't a glutton is eventually sated, but they're never sated.

It's a mistake to view the past behavior of billionaires as representing their true selves and their present behavior as deference or fear. To the contrary, they now feel safe to take off their masks and reveal the monsters underneath, because one of their own is in power.

My brain is still struggling to unlearn the years of algorithmic social media. I had become fearful of “liking” anything or following anyone, because it would skew my timeline.

Goodness, Mastodon (and the Fediverse in general) is refreshing 😌

#Technology #Mastodon #Fediverse

@kidskylark alas, i learned using a book by Shipachev, which is a soviet one. However MIT OCW is always a banger.

Translation of

* * *

you can use dirty needles
you can pay for sex
get wasted in speakeasies
consume some funny cakes

you can hide your weakness:
goad rednecks in a passage
but you can't catch a sickness
worse than russian language

This is one of the most useful tools I have built:

Working with multiple versions of whatever software you need for your legacy app is a breeze.

You want some specific version of #php #nodejs #golang or whatever else without it polluting your system? You're just one `nix-shell` command away!

#nix #nixos

@caoilte I wouldn't dare to read it today, but you're kind of saying the same as I, except I claim that the document is willfully non-specific (probably some sort of extremism rules existed then), and you claim that I'm misreading it.

I distinctly recall that they were referring to French revolution as an example of a revolution, which clearly and irrefutably defines a possible scope of what they had in mind.

The document has many problems and is riddled in non-sequitur and straw-man, but most importantly, it fails to distinguish the classes in any meaningful way.

Also, what I will never forget is them explicitly saying that it's ok for peasants to have a house and a field (their rationale was idiotic, sadly I can't reproduce it because I find it difficult to memorise idiotic things), but apparently it's okay only until the "State" runs out of the collective "money" and needs some kolhozes (see collectivisation in ussr). 😆

I would prefer to end this conversation at that, if it's okay ❤️

(Feel free to respond, but it's very likely that I shan't).

@aspensmonster you will be surprised.

Here is what, to quote your silly toot, "the poorest countries have managed to achieve". 😆

@aspensmonster @celesteh please think about how colonial your response is and how hateful the idea that working class people have less just because they are at a doorstep of one country or the other. Realise that you're a bad communist and, you know... Do the other thing people who dislike each other online tell each other to do 🙇

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