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@raichoo hey, sorry to bother you here, but do you know this bug in passveil when someone runs init with a remote, but then it throws VerifyFailed exception, even though the store is decryptable by the local key and darcs pull / clone successful?

It's been a wild ride so far for @plausible:

$0 to $400 MRR in 12 months
$400 to $10k MRR in 9 months
$10k MRR to $500k ARR in 10 months

Yup, that's basically an end to end doctest. I don't care how slow it is to run, I'm boosting the signal about the infrastructure so much by doing stuff like this.

I'm not saying it's cool to write like this, I'm saying that it's cool that one can write like this.

Here we need fix because we want to recur over a function that's not yet defined in absence of a convenient way to call def / defp macros, since we're generating code outside of a module.

Making reasonable with deep functional programming.

If I had Uptight.{Text, Binary, Base} while coding v0.2 and 0.3, I would have done it so much faster.

If you adopt in your company, you'll save so much cash, I can't even.

Compiling lib/algae/either.ex (it's taking more than 10s)
Compiling lib/algae/free.ex (it's taking more than 10s)

You know you're almost in the Haskell land when this.

Rickrolled myself with a file called CTFTutorial.mkv.

@bhart yup. I'm trying my very best to have as low salary as possible and encourage other execs to have humble salaries. The fact that we take the risks and responsibility doesn't mean that we're more entitled. It's just our profession and we're as replaceable as other workers.

I have to wonder if a company could attract better C-levels by offering compensation low enough that it doesn't appeal to the sociopaths, mythomaniacs, and megalomaniacs of the world...

Inkscape is like for Vector Graphics. Having a one second lag after each action I perform.

@jb55 how come? Have you seen our post about them? I feel like it's mostly upside.

@jb55 it's so embarassing that I made a Haskell + Nix company and I'm not currently using Nix. My excuse: I wait for the feature and practice set to finalise in flakes-era.

But every time I see a toot / tweet like this I'm being sad that I'm not back to using Nix!

for people not in the know: this allows for project-specific build dependencies and tools to be loaded when you cd into a project directory. it's pretty amazing.

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I can't stress enough how cool it is that people online are mostly still alive.

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