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Went 0-5 in today playing as soviets wearing the "Burning kremlin Festival" T-shirt. I think my units hated me?

Also, for the second time in the campaign, I find that friendly fire, if possible, could be a viable option for soviet side. It's not intended by game designers, but so damn immersive :D Russkie warfare.

@tivasyk so we have two options — either concede or to fight, as I mention later, we tried to fight but it became unfeasible. I just couldn't teach employees what DRCS are, on the other hand, they already know how to use github, admittedly without understanding what it is.

But all of this is beside the point of the post, you can replace branches with forks and merge requests with e-mails, the main point about not squashing shall stand.

@tivasyk you won't believe how many people use those interchangeably! Sadly, that's the world we live in :(

@nilesh that's a heck of a cache miss! Admittedly, happens.

Foreign companies posting on twitter must be more or less like being a foreign company and posting in italian newspapers in 1930s.

Legal, but cringe af.

@Flash oh my, was really hard to get this one, given the war and such.

Another moron who is at the same time "against colonialism and imperialism" and a filthy leninist commie. Seriously, do people like know even the tiniest bit about the history of ?

BTW, there's a ridiculous amount of commie posters near . I'm tearing them down and so should you.

Paldies visiem, kuri izkar Ukrainas karogu - šis Rīgà.


Had to check thrice that this is a 1957 poster. No Poland, but Germany and Italy holding hands not 15 years after the war. Appalling.

Artefacts like this is a clear message to new dictators and their supporters: "genocide is okay, all will be forgotten in ten years".

@nilesh next stop: . Please mind the gap between the train and the platform.

@EU_Commission no Poland, but Germany and Italy holding hands not 15 years after the war? Disgusting?

Microsoft did a 4K render of the famous Bliss wallpaper and it’s up for grabs!

Looks damn good on my MBA.

@ben isn't top gear a bit... Bigoted and sexist at the same time? Idk, I've never seen any snippet of top gear, even without their biggest douchebag, where I didn't cringe 😃

fuck i don't even know 

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Passed week 3 of Stanford algos 1. Tim Roughgarden is a stellar professor! Really looking forward to doing more fun stuff, but part of the exercise is to prove myself that I can diligently do the boring stuff 🙂

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