Show more the hoop is too high for me to follow

> For a vibrant consumer navigational ecosystem to emerge, society needs to invest in OpenStreetMap as a public good. … City planners should dedicate staffers to updating their roads and bridges on OpenStreetMap. Communities should submit updates with roads and hazards in their local areas

We quite agree! 😍

From @Julia's recent Op. Ed. in the #NewYorkTimes, “Your Driving App Is Leading You Astray”

📰 read here:
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #gischat #FreeMaps

S-f kinda pins a process on . At least it won't fly off the screen.

@noelreports I'm quite burned out on the claim that the world will never forget. But for those who understand what's up, it's another reminder that russia simply shouldn't exist.

Also, if that was not a cause for war, I don't know what is.

People really tell themselves they would have joined the Resistance in WWII and they... couldn't even stop using a lousy website

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It's absolutely crazy for me, even twitter's new logo feels... Exactly nazi :D

Rīt braukšu uz kaut kādu bizness retrītu. Bet ļoti gribu cilvēkus no satikt... Kaut kur Rīgā.

@virtulis @virtulis ko tu?

Ļoti detalizēti aprakstīts viss, ko zinām, nojaušam, vai tikai iztēlojamies un minam par dzīvi Pompejos. Autore tēmai pievērsusies ļoti pamatīgi un nesaudzīgi arī norāda uz trūkumiem, vai pārāk lielu vēlmju domāšanu, interpretējot arheoloģiskos atradumus. Bet vispār noguru no faktu pārbagātības un katra grafiti, zīmējuma vai telpas aprakstīšanas. No otras puses - fantastiski labs ieskats, ja ir vēlme par Pompejiem uzzināt visu, kas bija zināms līdz grāmatas uzrakstīšanai.

Pssst: influencers struggle with Mastodon because it's harder to influence people here. It's not because this place isn't neat.

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