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@yonabee yes! I also thumbs up fellow mask-wearers when I see them.

And smile at them.

But they can't see that I'm smiling 😅

remember, wearing a mask in public not only keeps you safe, but also normalizes mask wearing, helping other people make the call to put one on and keep themselves safe too 😷💜

giving a lot of respect for .

Also, from to . Well done, ! Good sponsorship decisions (almost unironically).

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@MAKS23 you can buy those in any Bulgarian military shop!

#UK and #France have greenlit the use of storm shadows in #Russia. US overruled it

What is the #USA doing?

I don't think it is frightened of #Russian nukes, nor involvement of Belarus/ Baltics/ escalation, etc

My opinion is it is election year games

Keeping things on a low simmer to prevent anything terrible that could swing the election

But this is a price being paid for in #Ukrainian lives

#Europe: please do what you can, our politics sucks

#Ukraine #UkraineWar

I was deleting photos off my phone and found this image from over six years ago. I don’t remember its source, but the sentiment is as true as ever (especially the pronunciation!).

Of course, I called my campaign inspired by back in 2021 , just as this great sourcebook full of actual original content, which I suggest you buy:

#Linux is magic. Here are some tools I recently encountered that work only on Linux due to the aforementioned magic -

Inspect a command's effect before committing it to the filesystem -

Box up misbehaving applications, forcing them to put files into the right place -

I am looking for full-time PhD students on topics centered around knowledge graphs spanning from graph data management to neurosymbolic AI and GraphRAG.

Application deadline:
September 12, 2024


Bellingcat is a non-profit and the ability to carry out our work is dependent on the kind support of individual donors. If you would like to support our work, you can do so here

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I can't help but notice how silly many CWs feel to me after 2022. I think they're important mental health tool, so hiding "uspol" under CW is... ....? 😅

System Design and Software Architecture Workshop: Oct 21-23 and Oct 28-30
* early enrollment discount *


Preview material: Architecture/Technical Decisions ebook (pdf):

System Seeing Journal “starter kit” (daily prompts and related quotes to reflect on) (pdf):

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