✅🇺🇦 Boris Johnson said that for Victory, Ukraine needs to be given everything it needs: permission for long-range strikes on the Russian Federation, financial obligations and NATO membership.

❗️"Convince that NATO will now defend, then Putin will know three things: military obligations are much stronger, financial ones are necessarily huge and will last a long time and he will know that he has lost geostrategically," he added.

@falcennial reporters report, conquerers conquer.

We all are allies.

@roberth right! It would be better to have a better data structure to talk about flags.

But I'm only complaining about here, really 🤣

@roberth my biggest grudge is that it gave me flags that both disable and enable a feature. I'm too lazy to check if will handle conflicting flags, but I would simply prefer not to rely on implementation details? Idk.

: something somewhere in the release management toolchain *may* depend on bash being present.

Or maybe on $SHELL.

We don't know yet, but if you build images with , do yourself a favour and include bash there.

is not a in . Dr. Dolstra isn't losing his job yet.

But it also isn't a in... ...arrays.

If you were building a plugin for a tool you used, would you rather

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