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@SnowshadowII I just hope we won't find strange bedfellows in what's coming. I already feel like Turkey with it's democracy-washed autocracy will have to be our best friend, haha.

@jonn Canada would like a word...we are trapped between both!

Oh how wrong I was about European defense industry in 2010s. With threats from both russia and usa, it seems like we are already too late to defend ourselves.

But we shall put on a fight.

Early today we launched the new Lean reference manual, our core documentation intended as a comprehensive, precise description of Lean! #leanlang #leanprover

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@jonn Right, but the frustrating thing is that there *is* a dichotomy. Types still only exist at compile time, and while types can depend on values, values can't depend on types. You're still running Program 1 first (the type/value program), THEN running Program 2 (the value program). Which means you still have to do indirection like Enum TBool | TInt | TBlah, etc. What I am more or less looking for is a type-safe version of reflection. So you could do something like fields(myType)

Garry Kasparov: 'You never hear Russian opposition actually say Ukraine must win'¹

In an interview with the Kyiv Independent, Russian chess grandmaster and political Garry Kasparov shared his thoughts on the current state of the Russian opposition, why they're looking for a "good tsar" to replace Putin, and why he'll push back at those who insist it's "Putin's war" rather than Russia's war.

Read the full interview here. ²

Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images


@tolmasky the amount of times I had to learn what is and what is to then forget it and get bitten again when I come to is bleak in comparison, I'm sure, but it made me make a video (mostly for myself) to later watch:


@tolmasky if I had to implement reflection in Lean4 or Agda, I would try to mimic 's typeable.

But also, I think there must be a very important point here! In dependently typed languages, entities can have more than one type!

(frac 1 2) : Frac 2 4, but also (frac 1 2) : Frac 4 8, for instance.

[1] : ListLE 1, but also [1]: ListLE 42.

So, perhaps the whole idea of general reflaction is defeated by this property. And this is why offers superior reflection[1]. Note that is in itself!

I don't know if I'm mansplaining here or if you're aware of haskell's Typeable, but here is a simple demo of its capabilities:

In , I would emulate it by defining asking the user to provide explict instances over an enum, just as you wrote! The existential quantification trick can be done in by carrying the instance inside a structure that ties the knot between the type and an entity which has this type:

structure Stuff where
α : Type
val : α
inst : Reflect α

You won't be able to construct it unless α is Reflect.

* * *


@tolmasky ah! "Type-safe version of reflection" makes a lot of sense. I will think more.

Today on Threads: Endless questions like:

"Where to escape from this?"


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@tolmasky I didn't go into details of your use-case, sorry, but the mind-bending bit about dependently typed languages is that there are no value-type dichotomy. Just sone expressions with those are expressible, and some are not.

I take a lot of pride in this code:

Observe how function invocation is a type. (Feel free to ignore Cached constructor, it's an optimisation).

Sorry for a non-answer, I hope it helps. But based on what I understand about the things you describe, it should be somehow possible and I hope my snippet will get you moving in the right direction.

I hope that the West (whatever that word means anymore) is happy. Trump going ape-shit is the direct consequence of insufficient actions taken to stop putin. Dictators and wannabe dictators are watching and learning.

She married Giuliano Mattioli in 1945. (He served in 1 Special Force as Julian Mathews, British Army.) They had 2 children. After the war, she worked as a TV producer. She was awarded 3 British Medals January 2015: The Italy Star, Victory Medal, 1939-45 Medal. She died on October 5, 2021 at the age of 96. (4/4)

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It's always "you need to build up a tolerance to crop failures" and never "billionaires should build up a tolerance to not having yachts".

If you enjoy using Mastodon for Android, please consider leaving a positive rating or review on the Play Store, because a lot of people who do leave reviews are like this:

This is how idiotic American Putin supporters are:

Picture 1: American right wing influencer Jackson Hinkle tries to portray Putin's violent takeover of Georgia as if it somehow aligns with traditional Georgian values, by posting a video of the Georgian folk group Trio Mandili.

Picture 2: Meanwhile, the actual Trio Mandili is on the Georgian Freedom Square supporting the democratic revolution, because Georgians do not want to live under Putin's tyranny.

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