⚡️Macron warns of prolonged Ukraine war, urges stronger European defense strategy.
"It is essential to provide Ukraine with the means to endure and to negotiate from a position of strength in the future," French President Emmanuel Macron said on Jan. 20.
I remember tech lefties crying when I called people who stayed in facebook post-Cambridge-analytica complicit in installing fascism and hoped that they will rot in prison with zuck. I said the same thing when musk bought twitter about twitter employees who clearly can get any fucking engineering job they want because of having it on their CV.
So these lefties I want to teach a beautiful Ukrainian phrase – "shcho z yebalom?", which roughly translates as "what's with your face?".
Shcho z yebalom?
@jasongorman yea, it's kinda sad. Weiße Rose is almost impossible now. But maybe digital resistance? Like hacking and stuff. Idk.
it would be nice if German universities who recently left Twitter and are now making new accounts here received a warm welcome!
for example, the Humboldt University Berlin @HumboldtUni
@musevg @jasongorman trump isn't ceo of tesla too, like...
@jasongorman #VolksWagen and #Mercedes didn't even have to rebrand
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Go back to any old social media profiles that you don’t use anymore and delete those accounts.
Delete/erase old email accounts/inboxes that are defunct.
Strip any information about your family or where you live from blogs or company websites.
Use a service like Delete Me or Aura to systematically go through the internet and remove personally identifiable information.
👋 hi
We heard you moved away from a toxic social media platform?
Congrats! now do Google Docs!
#privacy #collaboration #office-suite #googledocs #office365
@alper 😏
I watched some inauguration photos and now I'm listening to "Seek and Destroy" from "Kill'em All" album by Metallica. 😏
@alper I heard it's ok to punch a nazi, so, umm.
@bagder who are these people, why do we care, aaaa
@jasongorman it's quite a telescopic statement. On one side of it is data as-stored, on the other side of it is data as-used. One informs the other and the correct way is to go from usage to storage. But be too literal and you risk to forget stuff that isn't used yet! More sustainable way to think about it, imo, would be to connect "as-used" lens of the telescope directly to "as-presented", which (and there can be no argument about it) then informs the "as-stored" lens. That's why projections in event sourcing and VIEWs in SQL are so important. Arguably, that allows for separation of concerns!
#lean #rust #typescript #react #nix
In my non-existent free time I design and run #TTRPG
If you use tools made by genocide-apologists, you are a genocide-apologist.
#lemmy users aren't welcome here.