Hear me out, if the West Coast, the East Coast and Canada joins forces (literally: police, army, activists), I highly doubt that nazi America will last too long. Remember, there are entire cities and even states where *vast* majority of people didn't vote nazi.

@abnv I love your annotations and writing and thank you for boosting high-value toots you wrote before.

If someone says it's cringe, do not believe them! ❤️

In an alternative timeline where #FunctionalProgramming is the norm instead of Object-oriented programming, and #Haskell is the most popular #ProgrammingLanguage instead of #Java, there is a list of tutorials trying to explain what Objects are to programmers in terms of FP concepts, the most popular of which is, “Objects are Comonads”.

However, we don't live in that timeline, so we'll have to be content with the inverse article, “Comonads are Objects” haskellforall.com/2013/02/you-.


My family in Europe for years have tried to get me onto WhatsApp, to which I always replied, no - but what about Signal?

This morning I got a text from my brother:

hey, do you use Signal?

After reminding that yes, i do, and what I always recommended, he said that with "everything that's happening in America" he and the family is switching over.

My 77 year old mom is next.



Reminder: Zelenskyy refused to leave Kyiv as bombs fell. Donold hid in a bunker from protesters with cardboard signs.

A friend asked me some questions about #nix and #nixos. So, naturally, I wrote a blog post with notes I wished I had access to when I first started using NixOS.


@cafkafk i don't even remember musk's first name. Elmo? Elain? These russian puppets, amirite

Europe should consider sanctions against the US government and companies associated with their oligarchs.

They're clearly in league with Russia when it comes to destabilizing Europe, European democracies, and the war on Ukraine.

#depol #eupol #uspol

@TarkabarkaHolgy it's not ironically useful, not useless, nor dumb. It's a symptom of a form of fascism and a platform for repressions.

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