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Who knew Red Alert game series is historically accurate

@picard @SeaFury "exercise". It's basically hypnosis! We should never forget the real purpose of this bullying.

Three years if war. Three years of stellar defense of **unprecedented** in the history of humanity.

This year americans are committed to sell to russia, it's up to all of us to make sure that they won't succeed.

Glory to , smerty voroham!

@jonn Okay, the original video is available on youtube in the EU. But other people uploaded it on youtube, like that one:

@cafkafk I just generally want to hang out with birbs they so cool

@InternetEh the irony was that this is literally what nazis and fascists did! They looked at this speculative art piece from 18th century and went like "fuck yeah, roman salute"

@DespotOCosmos @qurlyjoe The uploader has not made this video available in your countr


Which save file format would you like #Wireshark to use as default?

@qurlyjoe is there a way to watch it from or without paying asshole corporations like apple? Piracy is ok

Is there any way to watch without paying ? Piracy is OK.

So...because a few thousand people want to live better than any person in most of human history could possibly conceive, we're all gonna die?
And the normies are cool with this?
I feel fairly confident that almost everyone reading this is not. So I ask you once again.

It's 1933 again. WTF are we going to do about it?!?

How do we convince the people starting to realize that #fascism is a problem that #billionaires and #oligarchs are the root cause that needs to be yanked out?
👨‍🌾 👩‍🌾
I'm thinking that we need to use #art as a weapon & deploy clever art installations, signs, stickers & chalk art in public places.

Got any other suggestions besides the also important protests, pressure on elected officials, boycotts & union support?

What about examples or ideas for #ActivistArt? Want to join an artist's federation or start your own #ArtFED?

"I'm your huckleberry."

#ResInt #AntifaAF #antifa #antifascist #activist #JohnHeartfield

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