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People, please code ever day or 2, had to embarrassingly figure out how to do basic stuff in front of my colleague whilst not doing any coding for a whole month, ouch

Added a bit more ❤️ to our home page to better showcase the progress we've made in terms of popularity and performance.

Perhaps more difficult for copycats to copy something like this?

Also not sure what magic my co-founder is doing to our server but the uptime is amazing and better than 9 months ago despite us counting tons more traffic now! 👏

🇺🇸 After Indian Point #nuclear power station was closed, the 1 GW deficit was replaced entirely by fossil fuels. Good job, #greenpeace

Probably you should also defederate:


Non-English servers likely affiliated with spreading consipracy theories, namely:

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Found a Russian server riddled with conspiracy theorists. Steer clear, block it from your federated:

The Internet was built as a kind of decentralized democracy. Change is slow and messy but it protects us from a single entity forcing their will on us.

When you move your data and social graph to a closed platform you vote for authoritarian rule.

Such choices never end well.

Only things i briefly remember from this season are how to do some Fast Fourier Transforms of signals in Matlab, Blasius Theorem, Thwaites, Squire-Young and maybe some bits and bobs of other totally *cool* computational aerodynamics, so if anyone ever needs help on them - hi

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I reread Rework for the first time in 10 years. It's incredible how many of those lessons I've internalised and follow while working on Plausible.

If you need a book to get into the right mindset when growing a business, Rework by DHH and Jason Fried is the one!

@jonn Ah, yes. That’s another one I totally forgot about. I’ll also add Maybeshewill to the list, then (

Fun fact: I remembered them by going through the (pretty great) lineup for you posted.

Whenever I use a word processor, I feel like I'm in 1995.

While writing this toot I have learned that is back together and are recording a new album!
They also will perform at some festival somewhere in Northern Europe (I suppose).

@pola, wanna take my festival virginity? But tbh I have a feeling it's gonna be rather lame (like )

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The Samuel Jackson Five is another amazing band whose works can be abused as music (even though they're massively more proggy than , , ).

I was very lucky to have attended their concert in , in 2013 with my good friend. It's sad they've disbanded.

Here's their 2005 work —, and here's how one can purchase .flac / .mp3 of my favourite album by them —

I suggest literally everyone to purchase it from to support independent, ethical art.

(Pinging @jkreeftmeijer with more productivity music).

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