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Coming from the WordPress world, it is so cool to be featured on the Tavern! Thank you! 😍

"Taking on the Major Players, Plausible Analytics Offers an Alternative, Privacy-Conscious Stats Service"

you are now aware that the Viscacha is a thing.

TLDR: chinchilla family, yet not related to the rabbit. convergent evolution.


`stack run --profile -- +RTS -xc` all day every day

After some insane hours I worked yesterday, the day before and today, it's finally time for me to write some code while @pola is bending beams with a tool written in FORTRAN for ninth hour strate.

Nothing is better than taking a coding break at 2 AM.

We probably should set up monitoring, @pola ?

I have log aggregates set up for mail server, but I feel like that's not enough too...

Something for me to figure out after ? :)

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Just did the second maintenance reboot of

A nice heuristic for architects and project managers.

When you promote an objective to a requirement, don't forget to demote at least one requirement to objective.

VoD of me interviewing Saša Jurić about the state of in 2021.

If you wonder why use and what's its future, come watch us chat.

I really liked the game #sonic06, but it did have some flaws. If games were released under an open license these kinds of issusewould be more managable I think. I wonder how it would be if the majority of games were open? Probably there would be a lot of user content and glitches could be fixed. #sonic

Having to do finite element analysis really makes me miss the first years of university where it was just solving maths and some physics on paper. So to those who are studying enjoy it guys whilst you can!

Here's the snowy theme
it's a port, but fairly significant modification, of one of the really olllllld emacs-color-themes themes (before the modern tooling)

naquadah is... well, only a slight modification to the upstream naquadah, probably not worth sharing that bit

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Some day I'll start a cheatcheet.

It's almost impossible to write code without stutters. Like now I'm again looking for a simple way to go from Shell Line to IO [Text] or even from Line to Text.

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