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is a simple language with complex semantics, which makes so many blogposts on it suggest the "local maximums" of code quality their authors managed to reach by interacting with rustc.

To avoid such quality problems, as a rust beginner writing blog posts, I also interact with humans whenever I suspect that something I can do can be done in a more concise way.

So grateful for .

"Chain unwraps and as_objects until it compiles."

Thanks for coming to my lecture on working with serde_json in untyped mode, hope you learned something new today.

Can someone explain this mystery:

Serde JSON parallel, no optimisations:

$ time cargo run
Compiling rust_shard v0.1.0 (/home/sweater/srht/prismatic-vista/src/rust_shard)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.33s
Running `target/debug/rust_shard`
Untap, upkeep, draw

real 0m45.016s
user 0m45.021s
sys 0m0.134s

Serde JSON parallel, optimisations:

$ time cargo run --release
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.00s
Running `target/release/rust_shard`
Untap, upkeep, draw

real 0m2.731s
user 0m2.690s
sys 0m0.040s

How is such a speedup possible?

Working with a 196M JSON file.

Today I learned that , is FOSS for a while.


That casually racist bainchild of that "not-id-software-studio-that-made-that-other-not-Quake-engine".

The worst thing? Probably, after I complete (which, according to my timeline should be in a couple of years), I'll get to it...

I'm approximately a decade and a half behind on my video games.

Round 1, Match 7 of the 3rd Programming Language World Championships! #plwc2021

One does not simply encode ByteStrings as Base64 strings with Aeson, gotta implement a wrapper, two instances and a test yourself.

Beautiful, beautiful work by Manuel, *an interview with a GPT-3 Albert Einstein*:

In this day and age, dilligent org-modding is a way to an illusion of immortality, I guess.


It finally happened to me on Freenode:

-ChanServ- You have too many channels registered.

Amazing effort led by ocharles to make tool UI available for apps and games:

Very easy to integrate with existing renderers.
Also a good example on how to use `inline-c` to invoke C++ libs.
#Haskell #gamedev

It didn't occur to me that I can use a mobile phone to read pages.

Here's how my page looks:

@jonn in fact people look at me like a weirdo not because of my appearance but because I primarly use free software.

All bow down to the Apple gods here. It is the one near universal conformity expectation.

Maybe 1/1000 tech workers use Linux, even in Security roles, but I try to show people free software is a valid and viable path.

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