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I used to overengineer, now I overpolish.

Should learn how to stop at "good enough".

Wrote a post about parser combinators together with @pola!

Give it a read and tell us what you think.

Holy shit am I productive with and .

is for thinking and making sure that you're building the right it, is for doing and making sure you're building it right.

Welcome , y'all, your friendly hardener for our / implementation called .

Hot take: calling protocols like CHAP "authentication" protocols just because they prevent MITM (frontrunning) and replays, is misleading and yields a ton of vulnerable software.

People at best think of authentication as something to do with identity, not as of a way to validate integrity of an API request.

I'm currently making a CHAP-inspired implementation, and I think, I'm managing to document it well enough without claiming that it's an "authentication" solution.

"what is spin?"

physicists: "imagine a ball spinning except it's not a ball and it's not spinning"

Everybody posts about their quest for Inbox 0; no one posting about the equally-Sisyphean Kitchen Sink 0.

@jonn @groovestomp

Yo. I think you can have two different comma placements, depending on whether it is a large [golden grandma's teapot] or large, golden [grandma's teapot], e.g., whether large modifies grandma's teapot or golden grandma's teapot as a compound.

In this particular case, you might imagine a collection of golden grandma's teapots, one of which is large-sized, or a collection of grandma's teapots, one of which happens to be large and golden. A good rule that I saw is if you can put "and" in there, you can use a comma.

There is no comma elision rule for independent adjectives AFAIK, if the adjectives are independent (e.g. independently modify one noun), it is exactly the spot where you use a comma.

As a kid, I didn't know what "wholesome" means, but I was rooting for David Coulthard because he was it. :D

Q3 Spoiler 

Purple all around on the softs for the two Mercedes. I really can't wait for quali 🦖 Hoping for a real fight with Red Bull this season.

Also, I don't even waste time thinking about who's going to be the top of the mid-field, completely unpredictable.

A reminder that computing grew from toxicity and exclusivity:

It feels so nice that we have genuinely helpful communities in the 21st century :3

Today I was dreaming of some weird:

1. Getting back to as rapid prototyping tool
2. Have well-typed `deft` macro / compiler extension for pure/mission critical subset of codebases.
3. Live coding as E-Sports.

Needless to say that I slept for 2 hours, woke up and went to write some code / blogs.

's "Comments of the Inner Chorus" is literal magick.

When I first heard it, in 2006, it was so fresh and wonderful, I still listen to it in awe.

I wish they kept making music this brave.

— Lol, look how ugly this cheatsheet is
— Why is it so ugly?
— It's made by GNU people...
— A bunch of pedos?

So @pola heard the news about RMS getting back to FSF. :D

People who say they like markdown never tried to implement it.

It's basically PDF.

Vettel is back, baby! Really hoping for a good performance this season to prove that toxic teams like don't boost the results with their shitty culture.

Can someone please explain the rules for serialisation?

I know the basics of punctuation in Russian, Latvian, and English, but I'm not entirely sure about these rules in English.

For example, if something has to be at the same time, but unrelatedly be

1. Complete
2. Composable
3. Correct

Should it be "this code is complete composable and correct" or "this code is complete, composable, and correct"?

Are there serialisation cases without the use of comma in English?

Using a functional distro (such as Guix, Nix) really reduces the amount of anxiety around "oh shit I gotta update all my computers asap due to the new security patches but what if something goes bad aaaaaaaahhhh"

Absolutely amazing post by Pete Corey titled "Minimum viable Phoenix":

Absolutely in line with how I (and I think most people) learn. Very blackboard-esque.

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