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Went live with installing and replicating Serokell test task runner locally in a VM.

Tune in for lulz:

The history is being made by Taka Katsuta in Kenya. I hope he'll last today and tomorrow, Tanak is on a charge.
What a return to Africa for !

straight up I am in love with water fountains. whenever I look at a public water fountain I go "this is literally a monument to a functioning civilization." when I look at a public water fountain I think about all of the technology, all of the water filtration and pipes and infrastructure that came together to provide Me drinkable water in a public space
some urban designer built Me a fountain to drink from because I might be thirsty. Literally the opposite of hostile architecture.

That time when we got judge's prize.

The laugter after they ask which language did we use is priceless.

Well, we have switched to Rust and if someone wants to join , please do.

love sending quick patches to people with a single command:

git send-email HEAD^

large, complex git forge like github: not needed.

code review: reply to patch inline

apply patch: git am < email

automate with mutt 👍

I'll die on this hill

Please, all Android developers, make a system that can fake the contact list, files and photos, location and phone ID and other information that apps usually require (but don't need).
Android only lets you disable those things, but that's not it - some apps don't work without consent.

All I could find was #xposed and #xprivacy, but it doesn't seem to be evolving much and it's definitely not for casual users. I'd love to have a system that pretended to be Android, but be based on #lineageos & #OpenGapps and include those xprivacy features by default.

To be honest, I'm completely fascinated that no one is working on this! So many developers and nobody cares about privacy?

Docker without docker compose is pure hell!

Hey note-taking nerds 🤓 ✍️ 📒

I just found out about 'I Annotate', "the conference for open annotation practices and technologies"

Today is the second day of the 2021 conference, free online registration.

I see @flancian will be speaking today :)

@alice There’s a growing understanding that “containers” are not helping much in way of reproducibility—Docker images are generally not reproducible to begin with. Growing awareness in both “reproducible science” circles and industry, as in . I’m full of hope! :-)

Fancy a custom #Lagrange UI theme? 😎

In v1.6, UI colors can be customized via a config file.

trans issues 

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"@context": [],
"type": [],
"issuer": "did:doma:z9WvHH7JyPek1SehusPElQRTMl8UfxvP9sANUlGZ57U=",
"issuanceDate": "2021-06-16T17:15:05Z",
"credentialSubject": {
"@context": [],
"credentialSubject": {
"capacity": 10,
"holder": "did:doma:c5Cfk0Aw_SYXzIgvDO3QNumrD30E5o-Sd61n8bL4dTw=",
"kind": "invite"
"id": "/invites/0LMLz-psbFmVEc2aVr9pXShesbIxfeeg6Kc0YCVYMI0=",
"issuanceDate": "2021-06-08T09:48:15Z",
"issuer": "did:doma:c5Cfk0Aw_SYXzIgvDO3QNumrD30E5o-Sd61n8bL4dTw=",
"proof": {
"created": "2021-06-08T09:48:15Z",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"signature": "Tj2bekNqJyj73q64RAUW2GMSuimP4IW2kbApwTFQvVZT8oEe5fzWUO9c_UwgRohQd-0vJ1i5LECjZJyvwov-Cw==",
"type": "libsodium2021",
"verificationMethod": "did:doma:c5Cfk0Aw_SYXzIgvDO3QNumrD30E5o-Sd61n8bL4dTw="
"type": []
"proof": {
"created": "2021-06-16T17:15:05Z",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"signature": "30GoSvC2GxiIP_3Sh9Jd0ebHsDjY5Myo7MXVEpg2nEGWIpcvcomuKjIBj5vebXArZUk4rb7r7yLQOOoaUvgnBw==",
"type": "libsodium2021",
"verificationMethod": "did:doma:z9WvHH7JyPek1SehusPElQRTMl8UfxvP9sANUlGZ57U="

Wed Jun 16 16:22:06:471171601 sweater@rethink ~
λ pass doma/
"slip": {
"ops": 4,
"mem": 40960,
"saltSize": 16,
"salt": "5A7ZuPZv8yrOdbU0CTZ0mQ=="


Feels great to have password and KDF slip stored in my password manager!

Sneak peek:

@wholesomedonut do you see this as the fingerprint of too?


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