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If anyone else needs to know, it turns out the secret is to set your terminal app to "Open with Rosetta" then build with machine type ta6osx. Thanks @ChrRasmussen for the hint! I'll update the Idris 2 README...

Show thread I _love_ fail panels and fail talks. Go follow @trevoke... Somewhere. He's great. I've somewhat recently posted a very similar take on centralisation on masto. Feels good to be in a good company. :)

I kind of don't understand framework which make you write more code, not less.


When your children ask ‘why is engineering important?’, show them this video


Hey @sejo, I made a little something for your workshop tomorrow. It's a visualizer for Uxn's 3 bitwise logic opcodes. I think that might be helpful for people who are not familiar with that stuff.

re: explaining fediverse to people

I managed to run #peertube on #OpenBSD without Nginx but only native Base software, eg #relayd and http.

I feel pretty awesome.

Dropping in favour of using a with a simple async persistence only for the things that need to be persisted made a credential verification from a 50+ms ordeal into 1-ms ordeal. x50 speedup makes me hopeful about 0.4 demo making a user account in sub-100ms, compared to sub 1.5s which 0.3 shows.

That's a special feeling to get after several evenings of a massive, paradigm-shifting refactoring.

Goodbye ! I hope I won't see you soon.

I *finally* got my second vaccine (11wks after the first one, as per guidelines).

I feel amazing and very happy. My stress levels are down. I'm glad that I *feel* it working -- joint discomfort on day 2 after and sli-i-i-i-ight chills.

What's funny is a pulsating feeling in the shoulder joint closer to the injection site.

Ah, I'm so fucking happy that I'll meet winter with a peak amount of antibodies!

Could work today, so my worries about not being able to focus and such were unwarranted...

Win win win

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