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Keeping warm by going through Elena Chernyshova's photos of the arctic city of Norilsk, which is in darkness for 45 days a year.

If you are looking for non-violent games on Steam, you can follow this curator listing some :)

There is also this curator listing some games and will explain in which way or how much they are violent :

Because video games shouldn't be all about destruction.

I have no idea how hard it is for beginners to read errors.

I imagine being a beginner and seeing this error and I shiver.

Russian-speaking millenials and boomers, join the effort to make the Irony of Fate subs suck less:

The Imposter Kings is the last card game you'll need to buy. Awesome game.

It was -12 last night, I think it's the coldest we've seen while living aboard Pino.

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We have all become addicts.

Leave the smartphone at home, keep it in airplane mode, or switch to "dumb" alternatives.

We can have friends, media, navigation, scheduling, etc. without profit maximizing and privacy violating apps.

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I'm going through a productivity drop and it is painful.

Was listening to "The Breathe of Darkness" (Дыханье Тьмы) on 's Rivers of Eons (Реки Времён). And was feeling inadequate... I could swear that the guitars are straight from German . Little did I know it was Smolski (*the* Rage guitarist) who wrote sheet music for lead guitar and performed those parts.

Rage's Soundchaser is easily one of my favorite albums across genres, so listening to the whole Rivers of Eons album is a completely different experience now.

Talk about the most ambitious crossovers :D

When I'm done with launching and I get more free time, I'm thinking about setting up a screen reader and turning the monitors off to learn the importance of accessibility first-hand.

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