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I've been considering what it would take to make a useful, single user, Lisp operating system. It seems like all that's really needed is an interpreter which persists long-lived environments (I'm using this word how Scheme uses it) to the disk, so they can be removed from memory, and be copied back into memory when accessed later.

If you make this interpreter PID 1 on a Unix-like kernel, you've really just created a Lisp OS. Instead of creating files for storing data, you just declare variables. If you want to have multiple variables with the same name, just create them in different environments (similar to creating files with the same names in different directories).

I took a stab at writing a Lisp interpreter a few years ago. I got something that would apply some built in operators (basically just arithmetic), but didn't get very far. I think now that I actually understand Lisp more, I want to try doing this, and play around with using it as PID 1 on Linux or other Unix-like kernels.

I was really depressed for the last two days because I left my ring on the lawn and the crows stole it BC shiny. It's irreplaceable and Akkas gave it to me two years ago so I was devastated. I dredged the pond and used a metal detector all over the lawn but it was gone. But today I cooked the crows bacon in the morning and this afternoon it was returned RIGHT WHERE I LEFT THE BACON!!!!!

Guy takes his #parrots out to fly around while riding his bike

my bank has a Pride theme so now when I open the app there's a rainbow next to my deadname

I have to consume materials about the modern cryptocurrency space and related stuff. There are so many layers of rage I have. The latest: techbro x cryptobro -- sending shit to space to generate private keys.

Everyone who wants to put a sat up at the orbit first has to watch this talk on space debris and Kessler Syndrome:

I am alive today because I always wear a high quality full face helmet.

Never go cheap on safety gear.

You can't predict everything.

inductive Maybe (R: Type u) where
| just (ok: R)
| nothing

inductive Surely (L: Type u) where
| ok
| error (err: L)

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If `Maybe a` is `Just a` or `Nothing`, then Erlang's `ok` or `{error, Reason}` should be called `Surely`.

I was searching for a way to make work with `direnv` again, but found an amazing project ran by a Ukrainian haskeller.

When `nix shell` fails, `stack init && stack build` ☠️

Can this toot get more boost than favorites? :flan_laugh:

The only way to know is to make it real! :flan_racer:

Choose your side :flan_fox: :flan_fox:

I’ve got my self-hosted Mastodon instance 😗

Hello, @EU_Commission ! The longer member states wait on helping Ukraine decisively, the less food member states will have. The indecision of member states will cause starvation in Europe and beyond.

I’m pondering having my own instance of Peertube and Pixelfed too ☺️. It’s so cool to own the content that I generate on the internet.

N🚫 Tobacco Day.

Tobacco consumption is the leading cause of preventable cancer, with 27% of all cancers attributed to tobacco use.

With #EUCancerPlan, we want to create a Tobacco-Free Generation in which less than 5% of the population uses tobacco by 2040.


Some bits about design is... Interesting.

`String.t() = binary()` is so bad. False sense of security. Could as well suggest people to annotate "Strings" in the documentaiton!

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