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#Halloween (and October) is definitely my favorite time of year. When I am not making climate graphs, I am usually watching scary movies... So, despite it being a week late, I feel the need to also share my spooky graph with #Mastodon... 🎃

I really likes the latest issue from DHH’s newsletter. I’ve always found bizarre the absurds amounts of money that investors threw into products like Asana or Notion.
#startup #financialcrisis

The first thing they did on liberating Kherson was to fly the EU flag alongside the Ukraine flag.

There are lots of fun connections between antonyms that we can discover using the built-in FindShortestPath function (

Fifth day of my first log.

Today's goal is to make a multi-agent networked player control in .

Sometimes projects we make teach us fundamental things, and sometimes they teach us some gotchas. A gotcha I learned today is that in , you can have a TextMeshPro which is a UI component and one that is a 3D component. There is no way to distinguish between those after you add them to a scene. So you'd better remember or label which one's which.

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Now that there are so many people here, and everyone seem to be reading everyone they follow...

...perhaps now is the time when I'll find more friends to play on ?..

We're not playing normal cubes, we're playing a cube I made called "Into the Story". Here's the list:

How it started: sieze the means of production;
How it's going: seize the means of oppression.

Stop using bankrupt mottos and come up with your own.

Hello! re #introduction

computer-y data-y and repair-y things

walking, hills, clouds and the sea.

something of an emotional introvert but a strong believer in community (fun mix!) so like communities online

streaming social media overwhelms me at times, so you may find me tending to my digital garden more often than dipping my toes in to the stream.

enjoy bleeps and bloops and strange noises

another world is possible, and entirely necessary.

are amazing. Been so long since I've listened to them.

#ShowerThought: if people who read and enjoy their local #Fediverse feed stay on their instances, and everybody else periodically moves to the instance where most of their follows are at, eventually everyone would end up on an instance where they enjoy reading the local feed. Reminds me of K-means clustering algorithm.

On reselience and fragility.

I've been pondering about the optimised systems (in business, in mechanics, in general, from system theoretic standpoint).

Optimisations require increasing *reliability*, but as you optimise, you -- by definition -- reduce the error margins. The less margins you have the less reselience -- by definition -- you can have.

It may sound obvious, but it has interesting implications.

For example, the system of business (such as a racing league like or ) where businesses compete in optimisations, will transitively be fragile!

For instance, business that runs away with a particularly successful optimisation will then destroy the system together with the competition (like did in mdoern rally). A manual intervention will be required.

Not sure if it makes sense to people who aren't into rally, but I think that the three concepts: optimisation, reselience and reliability are very interesting to consider.

Today's #projects entry: s3-credentials - a CLI tool for creating least privilege IAM credentials for interacting with Amazon S3 buckets #aws

I built this out of frustration: I wanted to use S3 buckets for more projects, but I could not believe that the way to create an access key/secret key to access them involved pasting a block of JSON into a form in the web console!

Now I can get credentials with this instead:

s3-credentials create

If you, like me, want to support the military effort of Ukrainians (because Western decision-makers are slow to produce proper support which can speed up russian capitulation), you have a great chance to do so!

To protect and ensure deoccupation of the Black Sea, is building a fleet of , under the supervision from the administration of President .

Donate here:

Day four of my first log.

I learned about , the cubes synchronise their positions over the wire.

Found an amazing starter kit made by an ex-Microsoft MVP person.

It helped a lot to understand .

Now my teammate will put all our knowledge to a practical test and build a ServerPlayer entity which shall translate the inputs from the clients to the server in order to update the state of the physics simulation and the game.

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