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(Sorry for hungarian flags on the website).

A near-perfect rally to try your hand against the best drivers. Super-short and nice.

I may write notes today and drive it tomorrow, but not sure. If you have notes, hmu!

A ✅ has appeared in my profile. Hurrah for that. I think we have to realise that the learning curve here is steepish, but rather than be anxious about it, shouldn’t we should celebrate the adventure of slowly finding out something that was puzzling at first? Like your first week at school or in a new office building. We’ll get there and soon laugh at how confused me were at first. I hope!

The image in this post displays its own MD5 hash.

You can download and hash it yourself, and it should still match - 1337e2ef42b9bee8de06a4d223a51337

I think this is the first PNG/MD5 hashquine.

Who here is a former Google+ user? #poll #GooglePlus #socialmedia

's album has a "" song (Strange World) and a "" song (Charlotte the Harlot).

I find it fascinating how heavy metal came into existence in a rather organic way.

Breaking an i32 into four bytes.

printf "0: %.8x" $int | xxd -r -g0 >>file

Learn printf kids, then you won't need to steal 's from like your old man does.


Intro here: work for me is #engineer for #NASA working on returning humans to the #moon with #Artemis. Formerly built #Orion and #ISS. Mom to 2 and wife to 1 😉, #soccer , #DucatiScrambler , #hiking and #outdoorenthusiast . Downtime means #cooking and #videogames . I support students and #womeninengineering and do a lot of #STEM public speaking. As always, #spaceships are the easy part.

Instance owners!

Don't forget to add volumes to your instances every now and again.

If by chance, I wouldn't have spoken to @nafnlaus about the disk space an instance uses, I would've been in for a fun December evening when my instance would've ran out of disk.

On DO it's very easy — just

* buy a volume,
* copy your media there,
* chown -R the files just to be sure,
* move old media folder
* symlink new media folder immediately afterwards
* chown -h mastodon:mastodon symlink
* add a notice to check the df -h in half a year :)

Announcing, a new Mastodon instance for TableTop RolePlaying Game enthusiasts in a safe, hate-free, inclusive, and LGBTQ+ friendly environment. Come chat with us about roleplaying games!

Anti-scraping people are tiring.

Federation duplicates data and the way masto is built, masto's federation backs it up for perpetual availability.

Scraping and archiving is another side of the same coin.

You opt into having a permanent record of your digital activity when you start posting online.

To this extent I'm really interested to know how the age breakdown of people on the #Fediverse. On one hand it would seem to make sense to me that most people here remember the "old internet" before the centralization and they're here to rekindle that flame of independence. On the other hand the youths are generally pretty up on this whole technology thing. I grew up on the internet and since then smartphones have become even more ubiquitous.

(Please boost for reach)

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If you doubt 's affiliation with kremlin, read their coverage of the tragedy that happened in . The coverage is *heavily* biased towards kremlin agenda.

As a Latvian, I'm not entirely sure why are they not heavily investigated and not evicted from Latvia. I don't think we need media like this in our country.

On the topic of the "CW everything".

I think that "CW everything" crowd should study behaviour science a bit.

By CW'ing everything, we're training to automatically open CW'ed toots, defating the purpose of CW.

@jonn not sure if you really _need_ to add anything, i like the article as it is.

i think there can be no «complete» list of «must do's», since shell scripting is supposed to be a flexible tool fit for tasks ranging from very simple one-liners to more complex «stage zero» prototyping…

but here's another addition to my «review often» list that you could maybe like:

also, csv with bash could be useful:

It's been a while since I've revisited this, but let me remind y'all again that CW is a tool to protect each other's mental health, not to cater to each other's interests.

There is absolutely zero reason to CW posts about politics.

This policy of dumping #sewage along the South Coast does not seem to be deterring #refugees. Perhaps we could try not selling arms to repressive regimes?

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