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If you were hit by the recent FAANG layoffs: that sucks, I'm sorry, but do you see now why tech workers need to unionise just as urgently as any other industry?

RT @EHunterChristie
And this is why Berlin tried to create a linkage between supplying Leopards and supplying U.S. Abrams. It was because the latter idea is deeply impractical. The goal was to generate a pretext for doing nothing. It was calculated and completely dishonourable.

A unix question i periodically ask:

What modern utilities should be a standard part of a modern unixy distro? Why?

I've got jq, pandoc, tldr and a few others on my list, but I'd love to know others; boosts appreciated.

Let's reflect upon how good Takamoto Katsuta is.

Seconds off pace of the best of the best. He was also leading against Ogier on one of the stages today. So good. So much progress since I started following the sport in 2019.

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- Половина росії - вічна мерзота.
- Може, мерзлота?
- То інша половина...

I've never been to Kyiv, but today I had a dream that I'm in Kyiv with my Latvian school friends.

It was dusk and all the lights were off, no electricity anywhere, but my Ukrainian friends were dancing to the light of power banks and keeping their spirits high as our other friends were fighting on the frontlines. It was a bittersweet dream, but also a reminder that peace and a sense of *relative normalty* comes at a cost of lives of infrantry on the frontline.

This is why heavy armour has to be shipped to Ukraine *WITH NO DELAY*. Almost a year has passed and there's no decisive military help from the West.

Don't get me wrong, the help is considerable, but it's morally and pragmatically on the SMALLER side of things rather than on the HIGHER.

We're balancing on the brink of , arguably, it's as good as already started and we need to demonstrate that we have learned something from the .

If the German Chancellor is incapable of taking the right decisions, Poland must now lead a coalition of the willing to send the heavy tanks that Ukraine needs !

Finally, per-class classification in and .

Also, latst year's was a supporting series for this year's :)

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Поза політикою #Mozilla настільки цифровізувалася у створенні безпечного цифрового світу, що геть забула за реальний, тому на їх мозіллаФест буде виступати русня. Дякуємо мозілла за "підтримку"
України, якої не було навіть на рівні заяв. Зате русня зможе отримати популярність, підвищити соц.рейтинг "хороших" росіян, і підзаробити грошенят.

Heard about Soledar in the news? That's where most of the Ukrainian salt used to come from. Kherson? That's your tomatoes, ketchup, and plenty of other agricultural products. Not to mention Western businesses that suspended operations in Ukraine "due to security concerns."

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So you're somewhere in the West, living your usual, comfortable life, which is not that different from the one you were living a year ago.

This is exactly the case for the overwhelming majority of the Russians, except they talk about the war even less than people around you do.

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stop normalizing the grind and start normalizing whatever this is


5. For me driving on snow is easier than driving on tarmac, but I can see how it may not be the case for tarmac specialists. Practice some snow stage from leg 3 with hairpins. And practice stage 10 because downhill snow is brutal.

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🚨Exclusive: OpenAI used outsourced Kenyan workers earning less than $2 per hour to make ChatGPT less toxic, my investigation found:

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