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Time to test my new notes for shakedown... Maybe I'll stream to make people feel better about their driving in ? 🤣

Can't watch stage 11 for some reason but ok.

Gah, should've woken up with the alarm, it seemed to have been interesting, given that Tänak won back 2.7 seconds there!

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So you know how it seems like has a shitty top speed compared to the other two manufacturers?

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Watching stage 9. The stage is snow-powder gravel with ruts in most of places, getting worse and worse and worse with every car. Harder and harder to drive the later you are in the car order.

But guess what...

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When I hear stuff like "that's why we moved further to the north to have snow" from commentators I get very upset. Truth hurts, but there's nothing joyful about it. We need to always remember why. .

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And you know what's really sad?.. Intelligence can be perfect, and still politicians are often scared to do the right thing, on the account of them being weasels and optimising for the most local future.

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I sometimes think about how the West seems to have learned its lesson with their reasonable, albeit slow, help to .

But what is our reaction to arming and increasing military capability? What's our reaction to , a dictatorship in ?

Could it be that our children and grandchildren will read about how indecisive we were in declaring war on , how we slept through Turkish sabotage of our military alliance and the second Pearl Harbor, the Chinese version?..

I wouldn't bet lunch money against it.

So this is interesting...

Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz @taylorlorenz, who is famous in these circles for being banned from Twitter then reinstated after much outcry, has conducted an experiment to determine if view counts on Twitter are legitimate.

Surprise, she presents proof that they are not, as shown in the Tweet screenshot below.

Many stay on Twitter because they believe that their "engagement" is higher, but now it seems like they can not trust the numbers.


Trump is continuing a long and noble tradition of country-shakers and wreckers.

I can't publish a lot of content I write because it's GM-only and I'm going to run stuff, so I guess I'll limit myself with handouts and player-facing information and you're gonna have to believe me that there's more stuff behind the curtain.

The river Durance cuts beautifully through the 'barre tithonique' (hard calcareous rocks, Upper Jurassic age) in Sisteron, France. #fridayfold #foldfriday #geology #rocks #france #alps #mountains


One thing Sir Pratchett was really off about is his glorification of tyrants. Musk is a real-world Veterinari, putin is a real-world Veterinari, there is to wisdom in tyranny.

Lappi lost six seconds, going from -2.7 to +4.3.

Now this guy has all the chances in the world to extend his lead by a huge chunk! 🍀

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I'm never happy about other people's suffering with the exception of fascists, putinists, nazis and other people who break the social contract of tolerance.

That said, a some of computer programmers from the Western countries who used to work for big tech are the very same people who were using commie narrative and trying to make me feel bad about making businesses and hiring contractors to delegate the work I can't do.

Now that they're laid off and they need to adjust their lavish lifestyle to market-average salaries across the industries, I'm genuinely eager to see what will they achieve and what percentage of them will start hiring contractors and delegate as they hustle, trying to stay afloat and/or increase the quality of their lives.

I've started in a poor family in Eastern Europe, my mom had to work two jobs to feed me and pay 60$ a month for a non-shit meritocratic school (which was a great call on her end!), I started working more or less full time when I was 16. I didn't have the slightest chance to go to a reasonable uni (sorry, @latvijasuniversitate, you suck), and I *still* don't own property, nor am I eligible for a loan. I always wanted to tell that to the big tech commies, basking in their privilege, but I never felt it's worth the time.

But now that I see reasonable people being sorry for Facebook, Twitter and Google lay-offs, complaining about Github / Microsoft layoffs, I can't help but to feel like this has to be said. In general, imagine staying in Facebook post-2017?! I feel for people losing their jobs, but it's not a tragedy, for fuck's sake. Companies fuck up left and right in other industries. Job is not a tenure.

Ridiculous how precise you have to be. Craig lost a second in the last three KM. Gah.

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This rally is so good. Ott is on top with a slower car, the snow specialist Taka is fighting! Glorious stages. Makes me want to move to , so pretty it is.

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The same industry that wedged a goddamn blockchain into every product that never needed it, then memed layoffs they did not need into papering over their shitty foresight is now just gonna put GPT3 into all things that also never needed them, so we can get the cocksure confidence and guaranteed wrongness of a Musk-alike entity into every facet of our existence.

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the espionage genre vibes and a sneak peek into intel level mechanics.

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