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An absolutely amazing workshop on given by absolutely amazing @kookie!

I'm glad that I managed to do first two exercises with a very minor help from mentors.

I kind of slacked exercise 3, but I ended up learning about

Which is a modular routing system that has a lot of properties that I was dreaming about while thinking about .

The author is talking about the concept of metric cardinality, which is a really important thing to keep in mind while designing metric collection pipeline.

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@jonn I wondered how the author does number comparison in TS and yeah that certainly is quite creative 😅

My types are much more boring for sure. But now I feel a bit less bad about my pipe() signature.

@jonn don't really see the point of types alone without actual code.

The util library I'm making for our new framework (of course I'm making a new framework) is based around type inference wherever possible.

And type inference for pipe() took several attempts and like a week of work in total. And still needs kludges for overloaded functions. And isn't properly variadic either.

OH YES @jlouis IS HERE!

If you thought that "X is basically Y" toots are cool or funny, that's the person who came up with the format.


Before people think that I'm conformist... The "people who make decisions are still people" means what it means. I believe that politicians are people. I don't believe that there exist politicians that carry any considerable political weight that are genuinely concerned about .

And it is absolutely fucked up!

When anyone tells you that Ukrainians should trade land for peace, remember: On that land, people have been subjected to arrest, torture and murder - and still are.
To mark the war's first anniversary I wrote about the nature of the Russian occupation, together with Nataliya Gumenyuk, who runs the Reckoning Project

@jonn can't give up: it's the corporate device. i'd have never ever picked macos for personal use:

i just can't fathom how something that places an app menu across all of 34" of screen space from the actual app this menu is for can still be considered a usable ui in the 21st century, among (countless) other things.

I've seen a trans person being misgendered over and over and over again by an employee at sandwich shop today. I didn't say anything, but I think it was clear that I noticed the situation. I was utterly shocked, couldn't focus on anything, even talking to the other employee. I didn't want to be aggressive towards the employee so I just stood there dazed.

As I was exitting, I held the door for the person and they smiled at me. I'm glad that at least they didn't seem to be hurt.

I have no idea how trans people cope with this shit. Huge love and admiration to y'all!

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