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Here is today's shameless #selfpromotion post because I'm #disabled and groceries are fuckin' #expensive. :hearthands:

Do you like stickers? Do you like supporting marginalized creators? Great! For $5 a month you can get a fresh batch of stickers in your mailbox!

These stickers are just a few examples, but you'll definitely love them if you're #queer #chronicallyill #polyamorous #nerdy and/or #kinky!

Patreon Link is in my Bio. 💙🤙🌈 #mastoart

Truly, a horrendous, yet inspiring video. A PoW declares, 'Glory to Ukraine' in defiance, and then Russian 'mobiks' execute him with kalashnikovs.

From "Hockey Tactics 2023 - The Playbook" by Jack Han, but clearly applicable to far more domains than sports:

Make no mistake: History has already taught us in plain terms where this is headed if we do not collectively stop it in its tracks right now.

I am not an alarmist. I am historically literate, and we must all be in the face of this attack.

забирайте, кому треба: функції читання позиції текстового курсора в консолі, чистий #bash (без tput). кажіть, якщо знаєте, як це зробити краще/швидше.

p.s. підказку знайшов тут:


"Would the member of staff please attend the spirits isle?" the announcement boomed across the mall. A shaman in the parking lot sighed and got to work.


The toot-fic.

тут є такі люди, хто хоче навчитися програмувати, слідкуючи за проєктом на #bash? просто зараз розважаюся, пишучи простеньку програму для тренування швидкодруку, на #bash, — вагаючи, чи варто з цього робити допис-tutorial до щоденника (і відволікатися від власне коду)… якщо зважуся, то це буде простий, але справжній проєкт: не один рядок, а справжній шаблон, функції тощо, плюс базове застосування git…


I have been taking a lot of notes, though. Case in point (on taking notes /and/ org-mode’s elaborate feature set):

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@spacekookie adding to the hack to get something done...

...I think you are aware of this one, given your final touches to the slides for , but another way to get things done is to commit to give a talk about one's project which has a problem to figure out. Now you have no choice but to solve it! :)

Worked for me just now!

Aside from random blokes like this guy, there are nicer targets. For instance, in this group, people discuss "import-replacement big data startups":

Sounds like a nice development team to penetrate and insert vulnerability into their codebase.

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I find a lot of targets like this guy

but not a lot of time to social engineer / pwn them.

What do @rada folks do with over the Internet? Feels like some can be used to extract information / launch cyber-attacks into from their servers?..

That said, I think that we as a society need to at least journal "Z-patriots" to prevent proliferation of fascists into the free countries.

We're just starting doing a tech blog. I think static site generators are pretty cool, so we're running it from our GitHub Pages site.


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